The Standard Union from Brooklyn, New York (2024)

ft. SVr All THE STAND AKD-UXION Invariably takes that side of every public question the advocacy of which it believes to be in Brooklyn's interest. THE I Invites Advertisers To Visit Its Press Rooms at Any Time. VOL. XXVI.


PRICK TWO il rv TV TT I a B. BB Is a- A -laa -1st. -aa. Saw A -13. -aaav-a--T CAUGHT A KONDESCRIPT, MOTHER AND SON.

KNOCKED HIM DOWN, has been ery anxious to get Ten with the old gentleman because of bis opposition to him VERY HEALTHY. FATHER ALONE IN THE GRIP. OUR SQUADRON. PLEADED GUILTY Ws. ria ad an ato a Tsaf 1 1 1 tm sa Bath Their Picture.

Adorn tbe wben be was a candidate lor state Jomtnit-teeman. In the Twenty-fourth ward the Bagae Ami Jim tha rtsdailsT Wssu (sa Hobbs faction will meet witb an opposition OfSessr Gor From wtaala naarolmg aleasg To The Startling Situation of a Bridge LeiyyHm'lderman Rassles' nd there wiU It Puts to Sea Under Glorious Au K.XBaaghtsir The Condition of the EepuHican Associations. His View, on the Baltimore Assemblage of Ecclesiastics, TWd st rent, twtassaa First and rterwesi avnaaae. New Tork. at 4 o'ricvn tan nsnratax.

nas.urai in tne Twentv-firth ward tbe Hirmin and Car Erakeman, spices, lt te Iajartaa, William Andrews, throng bis attorney, Edward M. Lsst, brooght salt against Andrew Tweedy tbis morning la tb Circuit Court for 5,000 damagM. Tbe plaiohLT claims that on March 15, on Ltfavatte avean. between Lewiaand Sumner a venues, Tsrsedv aaaanited him and beat him so apses ely aa to cassw a srhnt aiartled by laanT'tanjanrnof a amainm rial sjmosai rsssitt tsrmi-s -a at fail atuad tM- When He F.ndravorrsJ to Get Away He TV Csasa af Oiani TtKs. tin He Is Glad tw Ills Old Age to Soe st OreaU Spirit of UberalH CAswing ta krassd by crass of -luoor ane.

Isss-pt tna ana earing ersnearsusn. of ta nainsaO. nhsra naaiian nraasng an snrt as a bona) With lis atad nsrs an off. tna Mrsf.4 tbe Wood-Cox-DoggreU factions wiU meet and enjoy tbeir usual clash, though tbe Herman faction always wins. The Seventeenth Ward Republican Clnb wiU have a delightful time at their club rooms in tbe Keremos Building; Manhattan avenue and Milton street.

There will be a dancing, musical and literary programme and the usual refreshment. Sheriff Rhinebart to-day landed Joseph Gardner as Chief Clerk of the Federal Building. The Primary Contest Indicate That There Is No Danger of Death From Stagnation The Wards In Which the Faction Clash A Mew Federal Andrews eatioss tbat be waa Mows aboot tbafaeaand band Gallery ia New Yark. Henry McAlpin, alias "8oap" McAipin- a notorious thief and pickpocket, was arrested tbis morning by Detective Daran, ot toe Eighty-eighth street. New York, station, on the com plaint of his wife, who accused bim of assaulting her.

Tha prisoner, wbo is a good-looking man ot about 35 years, was taken to polios headquarters, where ha sat for his picture in front of I as pact or Byrnes' camera. McAlpin was liberated from the Kings Ceunty Penitentiary only a short tinwi ago. where he had served a term for pocket picking in Brooklyn. He and bis wrfs then took rooms at '203 East Eighty-eighth street, where the detective arrested him. The prisoner comes from a family of criminals, tne picture of bis mother, known as -Lummy boo," a notorious pickpocket, occupying a place to the Rogues' Gallery, wbicb ta Catamite Cnstrrlk of oCVr- lac- wwa aw erase aan sawra tisersan a 17 y.e A boy n4 a ImUaf bm Found He Couldn't, and Then Came Crash, and a Number ot Passenger, were Neau-ly Frightened, to Deattn.

There was an exciting tiro, on the Bridge OSS tWSOB. 09 MlWlPt Of f-haal aaat KKssal a Isaanrwi: II aana trannrr-Sla wan tasttras A tar Ksisitt ta tha lrx Pajiss. Tta ta-sraa tha ansa Ckss. aa Tt, -W, sassrt in swsnr ml was anoa am pia, lb. sis.

as tn paraoaof hrssrn X. a basar. wau arrnasi th. nntn of baviiig yesterday afternoon, and a number of pas- There appreciable change in the Repub lians--S frtna bss sona ka aa wm raa aaaticSjaS har Ska aillaag si I And Present an Inspiring Sight Secretary of the Navy Tracy Witnesses the Departure Prominent People Who Attended to Say Good-By. Tbe scene off the foot of West Twenty-third street tbis morning was very inspiring.

Tbe Chicago, flying Admiral Walker's pennant; the Yorktown, Chicago and Boston, all in dazzling whiteness, formed a sight not soon to be forgotten. Tbe arrival ot Secretary Tracy and party was tbe signal for a general demonstration. He was greeted with shouts of acclamation by tbe tbonands assembled on tbe shore, while tbe squadron saluted with eleven guns, tbe reverberation from wbica disturbed the usual quiet tnswe jural a. waata damages to Um aoKmmt of So.Uaj. lae aJlefxi assault took plar dttrin; tbe great blixxard of IMS, and the quarrel arose over tbe right to Cnr ua tb tuwsrai ansa tb.

regular carriag. way sraa ao nsocicad by snow a. to malar it natssssaiile for a sisagu. MISSED ITS MARK, saw 1 aaam aa sussre a tsml as- set) gen received a shaking np besides a thoroughly genuine scare. It was the train which rsa-sac 1 1 I at a aar-v msiiii aia.

At oars nlh snnart aAUA-ni san taw mrm He Knew Her Husband Once. Thomas White, a laborer, living at 345 Tba Raw. Fainer-gyl tialsr Malon. oxacsasssl at tbe srrvir. at Sla.

PrUr anj Ptal ChsMTk yesterday, although he was oocnpavtajT ttrad out by ba journey from Baiuoarr. Owing to a cte-lav in lm progress of tha trsue b. a issa BalUnsor. and Saw Yora It wan knag aMr 1 o'clock Suodsy morsmg wnsa the vano-sbw prvsst bts toot at Soata Third street. lican situation.

David A. Baldwin Is a candidate, and although Collector of Internal S-vcass Knrs as saw Onars af gave la aaasa ns luMmrt Nasita, reached this and of tb. Bridge at Tbe arrangement of tha eabla operating tha cars is such that wben a train reaches the foot of the lis Mr. raasna, at Has arianabas mm of llsaw at Bssaws, ajasMaS ta- tt maJ Revenue Nathan to-day modestly disclaimed taking any part in the canvass, he is poshing HEK ARX. will soon be augmented by a photograph of in every direction to secure votes for his can- Aad a Utile CfclM her promising son Boap." Palbnr Ma.kj.a while tha I 1 1 1 aia.1 a dilate.

incline oonstrnctei into tbe Briiig. depot to aid in stopping tbe speed of tbe cars, tha Franklin avenue, entered the apartments of Mrs. Byrnes, a widow, at Spencer street and Myrtle avenue, about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon and, being intoxicated at the time, commenced to smash tbe furniture. Mrs. Byrnes, wbo was alone in tbe bouse with bar two yonng children, picked up the rung of a cbair wblcb tba in Mr.

a a. mm SttsnaVasas ta aha Orwat. mrtmt iis a SM 1 1 mm a. In A farakennxi lata go tb. grip an 1 ttoas.

as auf- Franklin Woodruff is a candidate, but it is not yet known whether be will be finally ary a lUa grt iitac nar op ncaeot momentum to allow ts train to raaob aavtnaj a taw naa'ltak ks ttw -I li Tbe Cathniic Asso ha. received so cablegram from it. correspondent at Rome, elected to run against Mr. Baldwin. There is tbe station.

psrsawj la lb ccsarst of ha lift thaa to thai division of sentiment opoo the subject, and Wben the brakemao on the first accrrd- Ho it Nov. 11 The Eev. P. F. Quiley, ai test lbs taarrk hat ty iu aoLwniT cko.

fnaroiaa, Jatne Ca'rsa, tt Crxsn: in. Ha. raJ Contauiv ta Uba Cuv Clonrrt, bnfor Vs. Tvsi. r- him ft aawnrnl the opposition to the Nathan element in the Assat SJ.I anct witn tn usual custom, attemoted to let partv will not decide upon their course Of naiad to cut aud.

lis and la tba isaaa af oasaaisnial wan truder bad smash 1 and chased him out upon Myrtle avenue where he was arrested by Officer Callahan. In Justice Kenna's court D.D., wbo was reinstated as pastor of St, John Gortfoo. sad bis fmiber. John. of W7 Third avassue.

got into a quarrel satin day afternoon on Tbtrty-niota street witb sa unknown nua (roclon. pictn up a tum arid threw it at tb. stranger, but leunyad nf bitting bim it struck tuiaru RurraK-r, ol Tbinv ninth sin i I. U-nar-oJ ID toe loretesa astd knocked ber down. Th.

Gordosss wvrs arrsatvs and kx-fcad up. Tbey both) nvsoxM-au-d. Jmuca Tub. gav. tbem day lail each, ton taiurn take a greatrr 1 arn Alan sa hj'i si go tne cable be lomod that bis brake would not sli.uv aana rar 1 of ITorth River.

At tbe same time tbe Secretary of tbe Navy's pennant Boated from tbe peak, while tb proper flag was set in tbe rigging. Tne Secretary was accompanied by a "large party, which included ex-Secretary Robeson, Gen. S. Catlin, Everett P. Wheeler, Judge Cullom, Admiral Gberardi.

Lieut. C. H. Arnold and A. G.

Paul, Representative Thomas of Illinois, Jerry Rusk, J. B. Thomas and Col. F. Anderson.

wwliara of tas paopia. it naa hi. sftss work. It waa down so tight on tb. cable that ba Or.

Ata-M IS IntaolKn Ms Ansmca that tne exrVan. aaa. of nadnt streoctb estonsra to eet it loose. Tbe idea avsnaa a tnjitna 1 Francis da Sales' Church. To'edo.

from wtiK-n charge he bad been removed by Bsabop Gilmoar. of Cssvesand, was vesteeday received iu audience by Pope Lao. H.s Holiraaa. spots 1 a. a was an soar taw hf I as iuv tf asjaaiia.

ssnsi a of dashing awog at ta full spaed of taa cabas rar east ansae onn. naa by toe of to-day the prisoner said be once worked with Mrs. Bums' husband, and therefore presumed that he might enter ber He admitted that be was drunk at tbe time, and tbe Justice sent him to tbe Penitentiary for six months. innlalm. 1 vaar until be reached the en 1 of it, brought np ban iigbt am, ia mrstig 11 an sr ars-i iha to.

but Fei vwooi of a s-aruiax diss tor to hst mind and IsaarsluBC hen and to ha aanoahsina TVa ns.m. rl. leelingly of tne American Catholics, whose conduct of late, be said, affords bim much he pulled wild renewed, Dot Baavailing energy thai tha ancajaart eras anlarr.y aaKos said yiaUT lav tn a raf-s-tar taavt truth it wsa mostly tun Church' own rOosra or consolation. in parents of Ellen Rnnowr refused to mas. a conip'aint against the Gordons.

at toe brake. Tb. passerigers, seeinz his alarm and bis null, aa 11 has evr. Ha. tha tnrtnv shut iMI tl taa Saaat of I www! vaaawstuia ausapa.

a) anatat sal taktt Stat ata ttii at atac wwaa ia I a tsitait atal tan efforts, war. thoroughly startled, and tbey Ob In its own sflrll Tm vsasniba priest sail IN EXILE. be naa (tad la tus nal as- to sr. that tna ALDERMANIC. WHO FIRED IT? I sf.

Uelays without number have held back tbe departure of tbe fleet uutil to-day speed and tactical trials, gun practice, compass tests, defective tubing and an unsatisfactory pro-peMor tn tbe Atlanta, improper banging tbe Chicago's davits, and tbe accident to tha Boston at Newport, which laid ber op in dry dock for six weeks. At last, however, all th. boats were gotten into a satisfactory state for sea service; stores were taken on board, and Irs Slat de using a ceoara! laiaivM ia mr BIG BIDS. baa Arm aiantsi snv atrsirs aiKaptssl by biuaj in hjSMntig baa at last sua 10 -r airiail ia sasMwar aaltassl saaf Vaawa ta h. 1 aa a H'-tta.

tasr as 1st sat nrattasi mm Brazil's Once Popular Emperor on The Official Vote as Determined by wa-uac tha vntrsatar aVrtta-a am The Bat- Proposals for Work on the Water msnoar by the Cr-an-n atruxs-stsra. peak ng la rvf srear to IB ausor awrsaai who rWnad to partnil lb narial of a p.or wucnaa la crasaai 1 ated grounl. father Maiooe aaxl th. mrtttm had cauasal graat iflo His Way to Lisbon. Shot That Eatrd keeper Hnrley'i Foot.

the Canvassers, made a rush for the rear door. Before tbey reached it there was a amasn aa i a crash as toe cabls ripped out tb. grip wbacls and tor. a bole through tne centre of th. car.

1 The crash came wben tbe car reached tbe stanchion, which keeps tbe cable from searing tbe chines. The cable when let lone, falls on this stanchion and bears it down, but yeaterday it met the car grip and tbe cable and cause the damage, but it released toe car from toe cable. Then a locomotive was sent for tbe train and towed it away for repairs. Happily no one was badly injured, despite tbe sever, fright to which tbey were all subjected. action until after Tuesday's, primary fights shall have been ended.

The primaries will be botly contested. In the First ward the Young Republican and the Mugwump elements are arrayed against the ticket adopted by the regular association. The opposition send oat a document which says: "Yon are a member of tha association and entitled to a vote, and we respectfully ask yon to attend this primary and vote the enclosed ballot. The gentlemen named upon this ticket have been placed there without solicitation on their part, or even a desire that they these offices, but tbey will, if elected, serve the organization to the full extent of their ability. These nomination have been made witb the de-ire that the First ward sha.ll have an efficient organization that will strengthen tbe Republican cause.

Your attention is respectfully called to the accompanying correspondence James McKeen. R. F. Tilney, Henry Odin, Stephen Condit, Nathan D. French, Bernard F.

Mullen and otflers." Tbe following letters are sent out to show bow Mr. Ogden was induced to run: Brooklyn. Nov. 15, 189. Sir.

Waii Oadcn: Dear Hih, At a special meeting of the First Ward Republican Association held last evening to consider a ticket for tbe coming primary, at which we were present, a report was submitted by a minority of the Nominating Committee naming you as a can. didate for oresident of the association and H. L. Balcn as secretary. Although a vote was Work.

Extension. t-l want 1 a ta SMta SB tha toaa asv' Atatai aias I tS a tstss aSem ta Ptellatsf tt IttsaS sa ha sat taa. aa saw I ail ara Stresav. 11114 IWttt IU Itfw 4 ttaat maasi waa aa aa taa a- isnnsanl au 1 asps saanms of itt wHsurin tit s.ira: wben a week or so ago tbe fleet anchored in tbe North River, Admiral Jouett's Board re-ported it to be in as fine a condition for a lengthy voyage as any fleet wbicb ever left an American port. Tbe wcrk of tbe Inspection Board was finished on Friday and the fleet would bave set sail the next day had it not been that Secretary Tracy desired to witness its departure.

Hence tbe delay in sailing until to-day. Contractors In Friendly Rivalry for The Men Who WU1 Form the City legislature of lSOO and 1891 The aeawawl. Bad, at ha a. Is ia, aael' (nl dmkaf sjei a aVaataar-tatrTa rsWhaseelsa ta franst ai taa arojaiaaar. aiBteg torn lira am.

Ta praaater hat 1 i a aa a asw aawja. at naariv jt a ftNaiUai la ntaWvUta mt tin fa at SSsa i isa aV Peaceful Revolution Which Has Not Caused a Panic Trade Temporarily Suspended But Not Likely to be InjuredCoffee Rising. Had the statement been made a week ago In Ballots Received by Those Wbo Got Left. CalUmorv. of rsumiami aaaad Us St 1'Mer and Paul no- bar It srar really noasiUa last uw- rrp.

o( tna pri'n-t-in bad anv tavu. in truth tm ol thing ia ciaiars-tirMj with tn Raitimor sorb Fatbar Maiua naa to are bhop lraianKl strsp upon a puitf.ana tall jart vara 'a. I by a snsman and tpraa in favor of ttnparanre aal bi.h rcma 1: was a singular siguincana of laa liberality of tat ai to Um pr-t to ar tna Uviai aiaa-nc uf ba. in I lia.Uoxir ajawmbiaa rv ia re- AGNOSTICISM Tbe Board of Aldermen met as a Board ot an arat tf Aitaa-a-y Oaarka. New York that a bloodless revolution was pos Canvassers at 1:45 o'clock this afternoon the Awards la Supplies and onstmr.

tlon Involving an Kxprnditure of Over They Are and Tbeir Sure lira. Proposals wars opened at tb City Work! Department at noon to-day for supplies and labor on the propaasd extension of ibe water system. Tb. proposals srer. advertised for la seven sections.

Tbey number from on. to a ad ftacii ks Be Tat-' taul taa ha sible in Brazil, witb tbe peaceful deposition of lallMIc View. Uet Sergeant gaaaS rstBrataisr Ue teaa abaa sw fa-saaaaa Tin At precisely noon to-day tbe Squadron left its anchorage in the North River, between Twenty-third and Forty-second New York, and put out to sea. It is going on a voyage of display and evolution, first sailing to. Boston, where it will be on exhibition ait tbe Maritime Exposition for five days; thence President McCarty in tbe cbair, to confirm the Iain Treaele.

want tu a a a aal taasaia aata la nwwiil Th (Mrang Anions of a rttleratta Vt ba Ars-otatpanled II laa ta haaa-her Mrtsrt lioapltaU Areata aaf-rtna. aatd aa lataalgatioa UI IJkely lte latatllatf-d. Peter HarWy. bartantar, sears tt.l-ng at is Cberrv s-isats, a -w a aliot la OttArnrs itaL aS-a-sng fnan tna rBarts ol a painful asvt puhal ah. sio4 cf lh taft Atajsjt II It latl sa ro-liig llursrf feni(aO tnt taw kwul la csauipany a ta.l aal ta-aee raisiu( enaa who ha that most liberal of all monarcba, Dom Pedro, it would have been received with something report of tbe Committee on Elections, Tbe strange views of Police-Sergeant Oliver aalalia aaf a tarro wf tm a ua tn which was submitted by Alderman tbe Nineteenth precinct, York, ax to politm but 00 nar qursU.Mis cf pub last ns trt spi aaalM tt wlliia lis ataarsuaat a lic Weeks.

Tbe report stated that the committee pressed in an interview published in a German Ita-a I 11 1st 't. sailing ior European waters, to cruise tne Medi-teranean during tbe winter, and the-early spring to sail np tbe Baltic visiting tbe various German and other sea ports. had made a careful examination and corrected paper on Anarchism and Socialism, are likely BIT OFF A TURKEY'S READ. eight, but It will b- observed tbAt number Are to get that officer into immediate trouble In all inaccuracies, an! was regularly adopted, SCRHERtD IS ELD more than incredulity. Yet such is actually the case, and the affable and broad-minded old emperor is now on hit war to Lisbon, where he will probably spend bis declining years, pensioned liber, ally by tbe Republican Government that deposed bim.

As in most political upheavals of tbe kind, there is a woman in the case, and Far a Waas-r Jaha aavaW lain ills a Rraial and tbe AJdermenj adjourned as a Board of Canvassers. passed adopting the majority report which renominates the present officers, we believe a different result would have attended a full meeting of the association, and under the circ*mstances we urge you to consent to be a candidate at tbe primary next Tuesday even is omitted Tha plans of tba enginorrs for engines at Mil I burn ststioo ar not yet ready these comprua No. 5. Mas Pay Up. Lawrence Catherine, a liquor dealer, of 220 tbe department.

In this interview Sergeant Tims acknowledged that be beld opinions diametrically opposed to the doctrines upheld Art. 'li sa si a i i ii sa a aw a antn tsj It aaaaaaaatltwa af a w) satSltw sail ia SnrVr. of rVstver street, was ar Tbe clerk read a commnnicition from McDonoogh street, was at tbe Gates avenue- dv toe state, and which are. in tba minis of raigned be for Just tor K-sstta this amni oo rge D. Allen At Co.

stating that tbey bad bis superior officers, dangerous to tbe welfare ing. As you are aware, the feeling existed last year on the part of many members char of rrnasty to antmala of society and destructive ot the discipline of siiru, Mi. la K. Cuaaa. a pra i aal tantaar at UiM sa tarty, aha toe rolice LK-partment.

police court tbis morning because of a suit of his landlord. Walter Reich, who also resides at tbe same place as bis tenant Soma two months ago Catherine rented tbe premises at 230 McDonongh street, and agreed of tbe association that your very ef About 10 o'clock on Saturtay Herder in tbis instance the trouble hat been chiefly caused by the illiberality ot the Princess isa belle, who does not inherit either the ability or tne sergeant will be compelled to ar ficient service us vice-president, as a member of tbe General Committee and in ma, waa ata ant rdat Masm, a Vta ast ntsS af that SL.aul I a-rsaara yswas an I ton frtrndt srer drinking us a aalann al 91 Varat ttraat, whan naa erf I ha pan mv- for bis utterances some time to-day before wry musb andev tba li cf ii Hxrttv 1j1 tba b- ww mitini tw hnl sb.a blntaelf nhiia iiilu At i a p.l.ij aKtst sb a-ssr wf tn 1 aa cf tha seoutslad fma fxas .1 trau aa ofM-raUoa naa artarf la br to avwt the tUin la of lt)i. Ta tai l-, watrh arat ol 3KsaSiix, wat krl ia Ust aVsanv t-trl of to fvaul, and oauaal ttnMaf an lisatea ptia Acnng nupenntenasnt Byrnes. Kmed tb rasa of John at Virmsrt who a other capacities, gave assurance of tbe most effective administration of the affairs of the a. aarj.

aa arsi Th a ill i as SasM tha fmA 1 be latter to-day expressed himself in tb. strongest manner on tbe words of the Nmaul flaw to Uat Tar-Mas' Baa 1. aael taw taa, San ir association if yon were made its president. ftw davt ago hit off tb boat uf tiv doc arc) was tent lo lot IVnitantlary for as months if so desnx We believe that the anathv nf RAmihlicans in ine published news 01 lima, said be. '-are to pay $200 per month a.

rental. He alleges that be was to pay the money monthly as be made it out of the business, but tbe plaintiff states that the payments were to be maae weekly in advance. Several witnesses corroborated tbe plaintiffs story and Justice Kenna decided that the de II In ratasaal salral a- I aa seat a. 1 1 si I tl stvana 1. 1 a complete surprise to me 1 never before had For section 1 of so accjnedtict extension.

comprHing the furnishing. dHiveria; and laying ot ib48-incb delivery pipe from tb. proposed atoraz riswrvmr to tne new pumping station at East New York, ami mi ttie 36. inch delivery Dtp, from to. above mut nont reservoir to the preaeot rooduit, tngfbr nith the building of tbe requisite cuivertt and alterations in tbe existing structures.

For section 2 of the ledurt extrastoo, compnsirig tbe storage resi rvmr betws-n 1 Its stations of Rockrill. Can ire and BaMmn's an.1 a portion of tb adjnsmng pip. linen For sartioo 3 of tbe ezlvnsion, comprising to furnishing. dVlivmng and laving of tba cast-iron pipe, bran-nn and special castings for tb f'iroa main una ma toe ntilbam pampint staitoo to tta- nw strs-a reaarvoir. ana IM tiuilllnA of the re-qu it culverta.

For building arction 4. of the tTietoct i- taesrl Si 1-41 I can leai Uisi tictsmvsl Hni Wr 1 11 tbe recent in the First ward was due to a want of confidence the wisdom, dis a suspicion, neither do I entertain it now, tbat I It ta aar-5 A waaf rd aatax 'A- bet a dollar tbat I raa tut iff ibe bad of some time ago made an application to erect and maintaiu an electno ligat plant in tbe city of Brooklyn. Toey say they bave devoted a great deal of time to tbe problem and are the pioneers in tbe bnsioeasand are among tbj first to draw tbe attention ot tbe Board to the subjoct of electric lighting. Toey desire to introduce into the streets, lane and avenues of Brooklyn their lights, agreeing not to charge more than 65 cents for each light of 1.200 candle power and not more than 10 cents for eaco incandescent light. Referred to the Committee on Lamps and Gas.

A resolution was adopted authorising the Controller to purchase a lot of ground id the Twenty sixth waru, on Bradford street adjoining tb. Seventeenth precinct station bouse, for tbe purposes of a stable. Anarchism or is rampant in tbe cretion and energy of the present organisa waa taken bp to tha os-ratifif ts i prtraii4s atlf eifa.1 lt tssiM lb titiw.rt and 1 1: i -1 ,4 aiJ A' vaartk ai la SB Itwt terafeaWA 1-1 Osl personal magnetism of her father and whose attainments scarcely reach a higher point than is acquired by the average bigot. Altnougb business at Rio is temporarily suspended on account of polilical excitement and the unsettled condition of affairs, there baa been no bloodshed and no rioting of a serious description, and, unless some new element enters into the conflict, the present revolution will live in history as probably the most remarkable in tbe chronicles of time, wben the fiery nature and antecedents of tbe people and the heterogeneous elements which compose it are taken into account. The effects of tbe disturbances in Brazil ranks ot tie police force.

The statement that lira turkev Tha Ian wa acwpta.1 by nana on peasant 4 .1 Uiasai fa tion, oopiug jor a tavoraoie reply, we are, one out of every five men in tbe department yours, TTiuiam a. vv imams, it. G. Martin, a Bpotswsrt to Ink a lalensl and a turkev waa when Htidw waa eailal tS S-l 1 a wa aa a a He 1 mm 1 a Har, R. F.

Tilney, H. L. Palmer, Alex Mib- fendant should pay np what back rent was due as well as make bis payments in advance in future. It is understood that tbe case will be appealed. Ksaawsy Brtieii Stctiam.

a-ncnptlT mt I arc! bis boast 11 teg cT I 1 Jomk tleoat ti.rk 1 i al is an Anarchist I believe to ba false. I do not believe that tnere is 00. in tbe whole idy. but if tbjre oas, or mora than 00a. we l.

nl lA ana aw a aaaaa a ii I al elaaaB Is.Ia. Taa aSTaw a a- IbnnflO ts tnrtrv saa waa near al Kaal. aa sei, atome juca.en, A. 11. van UOtt.

Brooklyn. Nov. 18, 1889, Jfr. William IL Williamt and allien: will nod it out. Tbe attitude of tha force, a.

a whole, in the rl. ia a row ana ail wan ran- tfl at b- -ae Iwrss aa If Il a art.ii st.1 at ttsttn in GarrrucMKlf. Your letter of the 15th inst. haruiT it wsa nnver to a i tl ana la that way be sent bcyier to jtil I ar wo i-nu dart Niagara Falls, ISov. 13.

George recent labor troubles, shows conclusively to has been duly received. I believe most W. Kequa, the missing bridegroom from toe contrary. have not yet seriously affected the markets, beartiiy that good government can only be se falsi ill wyaura tall VI la i sal a a cured througb honest and efficient nartv but all over the South American merchants I Tenafly, N. was met by bis father, wbo wniim, comriinj the h-u, nl the bml'-r bntises.

and chimneys for tb. pulping Bui the force must be above saieionof Tbe following is tbe official vote on tbe Alder A aisi organization, and if in your judgment 1 can Such notions. Yesterday fiery speeenca srer. ls traa-r tial a ao a la i erf irji 1 aiS vm a I as bant aws a I a eiHttrtry lit rtaail nawiairs I'a nll. sod lasstnat ai Ocl 111 tbtl it.

tjste.1 (, IMimi b'lt lartM-t ta' itAja-r n.ies lanl .1 aal aasnaiaS wm lis rigal ts 'Ssenl'i f.a-na i 1 a 11 mi I lia isaad tasam, and at a est. a a mul a wat ang aj Mr rftl Itwa1asl th snaa with arrest if ba nil a-a taHtavt Kman'if, tut tb Utter, a. irit lav Um l-l tf la Cal. aarprstsst tw atwaaa. '1 Isttsncitv-1 as bv e-fk Tf a avrsa.s Ittr tt are anxiously waiting to tee bow tbe political in i has arrived at the Bpencer House, where the I men: station at jauiouru ILoet Ittai al art-A.

waa tw aa aa iia.1. It aa naa- -tea -a-t-iA Tba latnan nmtaosis. tVanpaay. a ii nminui in Duiicnnz un in the First ward Knr building section It. nf tha aquvlu -t ez -nalon.

comorising the nou Is 'if Mill young man Slopping, he meeting had tbe I Aldermen-at-Larg' Thomas A. Beard. made in Chicago by friends of the dead An-arcbista. extolling tbem to tba skies. Tha times are critical in the and w.

cannot afford to have tbe germ, of rsvoluiion born and rVist Meadow, tne tmmp well an! creditable Republican Association, you are at liberty to command my servioes in any capacity. Yours, WlLtnij, Oodii. manufactartng anl whlaaal boa wall known in to ttalioorry la York. tvmi(ht to it tha romin( In th CI moil (t trs. a pocket.

an1 tbe coodult from Um latter to the a ii faa-tii a ta Vtata, aii SB-eaaswaf Aes-ats) sal lift aea Slli ail Wwa tta It-waat ra aaiaaa lM aa IB g- t. a-riiutaia aal avtst a hat I araa, t--a ts leis-l an 003; Robert F. McKellar, 68.994; George H. Eico*ck, Arthur J. cane v.

63.840; Theodore Maurer, 63.c32; Anson Ferguson, 63.501; Richard Pickerinz. Henry W. bis aensea. He baa evidently been out of his bead, for be has no idea wben ne left borne, nor when or bow he came to Niagara Falls. planted broaocast among toons upon whom tbe no o.

tas cast Meadow dam, with tb. community looks as the guardians of the necessary waste weirs, gat booses, culverts. Tbe regulars, however, are not at all dismayed at this opposition. Tbey met it last year with Judge Lewis at the bead of tbe ticket, and tbey came out of the race at r.lwarlj asrtsch Tba plaintiff alleges that tn itvnat a his rst1 sn up raaatovad from th ouaroaay's in sa. cat wiu jump.

There was a big crowd at tbe ColTee Exchange to-oay because of tbe developments expected in the Brazilian situation, and great excitement was manifested on all sides. Coffee bad advanced from 15 to 55 points over Hat-unlay. On the first call 20,750 bags were sold. Great anxiety was felt for news from the Rio cable, wbicb is regularly received every morning. At 11:30 the usual cable had not yet arrived, i Consul -General Salvodor-de Meodanca was in the same expectant state with everyone peace." Knigbt, 6.540: IsaacH.

Carev. George Copeland. 58.723: William J. Howard. 54.673: mannolea, pip lines and ratftar appnruwanosa.

Caps. Keilly and Sergeant Tims srer. snrn- Melaaeballa and Suicide. FaKOO, N. 18.

Thomas K.idngton, yias Ittat to waa wa C--s la sate nsaaar aanaaa laati I am i stana frsrSiiarr inn ilia iror htukiiog sartiuo 7 of Uia aqueduct aa-ssson, reanprlarng ah flea la Kii-a auppry Otto Witta, Joshua M. Van Colt, 58.M21 with ovt one hundred majority, and both snoned befur. tba tli riassartatendaat that morning, and In tba prase w. eT bss txroenor assa. ptmi ami ta ooamuit trora to aaat en 1 ot tba JNaval nicer Willis and Judge Lewis, who tl a In haa ta in i far re -Tl a wtitrri a out.

aaal ha. a a mmrm taiii and a i'lMalxirg Mine, tbas IswsaavsHilwncsng and ranajntl tbasa kan tnttas IS wot ot .1110 HevaraJ nf tb ajauui'i traveling agent for tbe Standard Lit. Insurance Company, of Detroit, was found officers tbe 'sergeant dastiactly and d-mubari- amea martin. ws.4Dtf; l-atteraoa, w. W.

Whitehead. 808; C. H. Palmateer, WB; R. F.

Clayton. 928: Henry A. Tattle, 928: James bast Meadow dasa to tha weat and of toe cally dented tne statement, attributed to him. Das 10 tne past year proven bimseit an efficient, honest, limparSsal chairman, ara satis WyABtnV Mass. It Tta S- Alias! 'rit-uaaaa, laeaaasr, ttta ar I -w rl w-ait lliap-n- anal Cuartt i-l It al.M aad t-ntth a-aswr, Im a ul -r-tjali tw S4A-Sttrw4 aa aisattsl.

ludgewood with th svnpkrv) war aiao trmlol and t-Kl Crouch, VZS-, Henry R- King. 27; Arthur C. dead in bed at tbe Headquarters Hotel yesterday morning. It is thought he suicided, as a else simply waiting for news. He said that be weirs, gate bousra, cuiverts.

manholes, pip He said that ttw whole thing Is a tisane of falsehoods and lies, and tbat tbe statements ar. Dunkley, Paul Kretzsch mar. 1: blank, 16; Unas and other aptairtetiancea would remain at his post "and await develop several bonrs. Mortarh rvplv ts (anneal denial. Joha ioanJly is the rrn la-it and Auxual R.

McMaSKat 1 scattering. 13: defective. 60. Tota 8S3.5-4. untrue in particular.

ments. or but it in section of th anuai.r bottle having contained laudanum was found on tbe table. Despondency is assigned at the cause. ne was instructed to make a full rerjort nf tension, comprising tbe supply of Ridgt- First District John McCarty, 21.819; J. Wafer, 21,304: Michael J.

Coffey, fr Jaa Ttaa (laf-ralH-o It, lh tBAStalia was tartaral is liariav's I'tai and a a rtattns qatati la tha anew Ua aai-f vasv-a atu a 1 lo tava k.m (rana fcaksw aa4 sutar-qua-nt dentil llararv a- sm a air i-f is, auveaAa atam wben awl Jest of to ii.g a mTltl--aal haa, htrw ra -el tma ant t--il hns Uial tat niaa ata. easa. la with him naa ata ba tmmm. tmt tba ptaiouff. the matter to tbe department at once.

PAN-AMERICANS PARALYZED. woou sun Meats perm ao-1 toe conduit from Jamei Mcuarry. 21.14J; rredenck J. Kmith. th west cod of the Ridgrwood dam tn th la a swatty La-Hi-s.

Sia I a rv, Martin V. r. numb, 13.475; Theodore Tbey Deeld. ta Transact aa Farther Basi pequa gat. chamber, within nivsnairv illiam R.

Ls Bass. 13.434: LIKE A ROMANCE I au a aa a. i. ia a a a watt weirs, gate bouvs, cotverta. msaholes MAY BE MURDER IMPORTANT Alfred L.

Sherman. 231: pips line and other appurtetian es. fied that tbe regular ticket will win this time In tbe Third ward Qus barwin, who was. appointed bond clerk by Collector Nathan on Friday last, will lead the opposition, and lively times are expectei. In tbe Hiith ward James H.

Taylor, Patter son and Dr. Watt will run an opposition ticket, witb Dr. Watt at its bead, to down Andrew Jacobs, whose friends say has been a good president and will win again. In tbe Seventh ward the Bartlett and anti-Bartlott factions will bavs lively times. The Bartlett, or Fuller-Fav-Farrell, faction will run Martin Berry, a clerk for Mr.

Bartlett, for president. The anti faction will run Eugene b. Barnes, They have sent out this circular: i "You are earnestly requested to come and I wa rwanc George W. Salter, 231; William F. Cowan, 2-9; r-SHwiaB ar-t-ael Kara of th 1 went Pending lastractien.

Fraas Their Governments. Special (o tlx Standard- Onion. Washington, D. Nov. 18.

There was 1 here were two proposals fur NecUrm 1. Lrut Ifc.w lilt a oiank. scattering, i detective. si. rotal.

itb pra-riA-ct 7 1 nf--al. 1ta-r-aa-s; lor Brctioo threw for Haclioo S. tnra I a a. ta tl Sal I at aJ-ta Section 4. four lor Section 6.

five for rwction SB car teat to VSU V-1 over IJa sataaatt. and a a I. a i4 art, a- a 1 i a a at i Ira.aa. SB- i Second District Peter Hess. 23.823: Richard A Ben Poliah ar if Ua t-al tiat p4frri.aa biwd ta ana nv ror Martian n.

a great deal of interest manifested to-day Decision Concsrniiig Dissolution of The Tale Told by Victor L. Johnson in Court. B. Leach. 23,763: Edward P.

Thomas. Tbe proposals war in it-ms for each taction Breiki Oat at a Christening Partj. over the action ot the Brazilian delegates 1 -v i nomas wooa, George v. Adas, and, with on or two wpthm. ware witoout Partnership, I I' IW a- f-actt-r II ta-, art a I -s A Sa.MalLiaa ti Auaa tlaa who are attending tbe business of Pan- JS.408; William Allen.

18,333: Svlves'er Tor- fa-i art fiat tala--! la Hursrl'a s. A --ie ralaal al IS t'tanrrs air last a-' 1 111 lb -via tea I to StejW Bl. 11. .1. uf Ii? Tb I' aesr laBU-iii--aaers D.I) la-ra l1 aia-s let-aattgat th raw footings.

I tie bidders were as follow: aa mey, John T. Moran, 18.227; Noah H. American and Marine Congresses now Section 1 Kreel. bi.l.Vr inrri Gilette, 414; Charles F. Hopkins, 413; Matthew James Howell, John Ifcrtmsr.

Cranf ird A ii 4 laa.leailt. a la ssv-a a On Man's Head Krwtured by A norher Valentin, bildert; sureties. Jonn C. I'rorost George W. Blake Tries to Keep Ills T.

Bilungton, 413: John Patrick. 412; Alfred L. Sherman. George W. Sutter.

William ia session in tbis city. Tbe Pan-American delegates, after conference, decid ed not to take part in future deliberations until vote ohe enclosed ticket. We were victorious at the late primary, but must carry this elec 1 atataaal-. t. mt Dtlt George ai a I col ui.

Iraal a Mta ra-aaalwn. I la-r. Cleverly. William F. Cowan, Billington rwctioo 3 jotin Sf.Mmi.

tiki ier aurwtaea tion in order to complete our victory. Tbe Iai Sijt ,4 Former Partner From Kntrring Into the Same Business Judge Cullen 7 Sf frU al. fiaiafarwa Jwralaa Gillette, Hodges, 3: M. F. Billington, Finding a Father After Believing Him Dead for Twenty Years The Strange Way in Which He Met His Parent and the Results That FoUowed.

Victor L. Johnson or Victor L. Wheeler, as same taction opposes us now that onoosed ns rrancss Marsy. tier nam Krnitb, after tbey bad received some definite information from tbeir home government. Tbe delegates to Marine Congress, however, appeared scattering, Dianx, 14: aeiecuve, a.

total 170.066. rM-owu i4mnian. rtKasrs: auretiea, rraritlut tlion. They are those who engineered the de-feet of Robert D. Benedict for Congress, and Decides Against Him TW at watl sat a AV has4 ojrurr, Andrew u.

tiaird. Klward r'ri Over a tfmmrrrl About a Wosana Policeman Mrllenry I ret flattered aad Brntaed. Lona CdwarheiUn, a Pole, a lymg ia tna Ka stern faLrte. Hoataaai ta a drtn. raw, 111ma.

saifl-ar-lna: fraaa a frantra of tna tfeall i.l Third District J. Jefferson Black, 24.058; and are participating in tbe discussions, as i -ii I er'aA4-aaaal I bidder: anr-ti-a, James Howell. hn IVimsr tour late election some ot their principal Daniel Mcuratn. James B. Herges Gsorge W.

Blake and Enoch Rutzler started i an mt r-iara fra VI aa. i a -a a Tn 1st rArarBtfig AasC 1 at li. Arti-Al tast at aa t-ai-l-c aaa-tlcg i-f tl- tU-iA itarl lautjia rant I t-atl raa- -earl ta aaaa ua ai asnBisair aa r-ar Pi laa I tat tula Btasnaa WtH R-f araae A-AAralAa. at. 1 ww-Wa.

at aatth I wat Cranford at alntine. btdlars: aarrtMs. Jubu questions brought up ore purely those relating to rule of road at sea and have no possible l-n. -J! lArssa Aa aia aa. Wm McKee, George J.

Arm rrovnst. trmrga Malmtnv in tbe steam-beating bnsineas in 1884 as part- aanerents were aisioyal to tbe party in endeavoring to defeat Thomas Fitcbie, our candidate for Supervisor, and thev now seek to control tbe party by elective their deimratM strong. 20.V87; John A. Mataon. 2U.8U: Htrtrao Jcxio atcManaea.

btrloer bearing upon any change ot the internal government of Brazil. for years at lTO and 179 Centra street. be is better known in tbe Twenty-sixth ward, was arraigned before Justice White in the Harlem Police Court yesterday on a charge of embezzling S95 money collected by bim for Henry A. Connolly, of 1846 Sec P. n.

triSnen. P. G. Hikh Ciarns llsrv. Reinhardt.

20.752; Geonre W. Davenport. 20.717: George Sherman. 49: tisome Couiton. New York.

Tne five year ware up on ovoossr: ismMs, rfoos lM-aar. liaiu-l lMly. Ai ju 7T t) -vs l-e-V-ttiil UTAtl tsT ta tat lf ft ruil-trw Vs4 1 a to the General Committee. We are opposed to tbeir unsavory political methods. We believe Joba H.

tr Itourke, bid (Utauea. (Ian 233 of August, IKiW. and tb partnership was 249; AUen S. Williams, 214; blank. detective, 6: scattering.

17. Total, 179.96.. Lsr.lT Dae sa Frlneaae lambelle." Wabhinotob, Nov. 18. Tbe Rev.

Dr. Cham a'-sairri ir.l fja lai i at II. noisn r. U. llnhca.

that our ward should be represented dissolved, and Blake started in tha nm bug ivs fca.4, IM aa halt new ond avenue. New York City. Johnson told A communication was received from Deputy 1' tf .1.1 the General Committed by those who berlain, for twenty-seven years a Presbyterian TW Tr Bictioo 4-litnwl Crearn, bid ilTl.fsTO tha Judge quite a romantic story. He laid Fity )V f1" Murtba atkiog au- new at 197 Woatw-itre-l An action wm not be controlled by any man aa Aaaa was SureUns, rieth I Kuv. tDu Aaavtftsr'la a I iv ia ar: tnorityto prepare specifications for contracts brought by him to enjoin Rutxler from carry MOaroee.

btd li.OiJl; sar-ilsv 1. frHr-n P. J. HugtMm. Joliu O'Knnra.

hel 1 -VI. vs i stew ta tha T' Tt. ry is ing on tbe business on Contra street, or else missionary in Brazil, ia an interview with a Pott reporter last night, said that the trouble in Brazil was largely due to Princess Isabelle, who arrogated to herself the whole credit for the emancipation of the slaves. He says that for supplies for tbe Train Home, for printing tbe minutes of the Council, for eaactno street lighting, etc, lor tbe year 1890. A resolution turetm.

John W. hVsran, Jobs Karrall. tt VA uu wno wm Honorably represent our citizen! in tha council! of our party. Our ticket: For President, Eugene F. Barnes.

Mr. liarnes was born and has lived all his life in tbe beventb ward. He is known to almost every one iu his connection' witb the East Brooklyn where in New York City, from using th name Sectum John McSsaxsi era tat ne Iratl ta was adopted authorizing tb performance of al a rlnaia party laa algbt. Ha aUasr-d tawal-at, a-l fataBlatat, aiai Post, wau hveaal US Osklaied tt-vwt, is (j.

vnty jail, wh 1 1 tier waa wot tba soummg ty uatar (otuuav Larat nicbt almt o'ciorst Polanrrnan Ma Banry, of tba Havanth pror art. saw a in 1 ataxit tb b. uaa at li Oaklaal street. Inula th bouse Umv wat aa mprrmr. lemng lato tb btaats th ofaV-r aaarnaai tnel C4warav-ian, woo Irre mrxl dour al 415.

baal bad basts ttrurt over tb taea.1 with a suana Tbt BMa had qourrid os-ar tn nbi to danc with a womaa Th orVwr want aest donr anl foanp I dsrarWs lan lying in ii of I1 on 8 nf th tar. ml storr laa W'xm led man ta sent to tna Kaatern tlitf-art of th firm in any way in coriDectioo with his taa KTSPtag tor 7 iin tf I Fain Campbell. Francts Markrv Siuta. Hrotrn VlaiAwal tbe work named. At Coleman, radders; tnrMs, Krtnkno Wwrt- hrvv-ptM K.

rt.t-ca Uasn. If ia lUlt a to ba taaiieaa-d. I ssr Br aata Uat ttniia iw amtUy I i- 1 rat ftllarwl faaJlltlal la faSL. I a I-. II rargaal wita ati ata lattf iw a anal Sal ar tha 'af t'Ut St rwa til erasi-la as 1),1 aa 1 piaBUoa rKaari.t, 1 ta aJiat to taf iret THat 1 hat aaaer t.iw aorr i us aa ia qtMaa.

Uat it its rra ntine'jr a laainial. aaal wait- te 1 of lb Bt-iauaa a aa lota- wte-a a i oo jiia.v faal taruwt. I naa a. tone I sayiiir I ant as a tr sef la i rssa rank of tn ptrtt a. at ii t-a if.

in ia fxsv-r prattf-n, I raa rr rf it Ua laaat aar- f-V Resolutions were also adopted authorisinc business, and from advertising linmediatel after an advertisem*nt annaincing tbe disso Bavings tJmlc, of which his father was tha the Liberals in Brazil were much incensed at Isabelle tor claiming the whole credit for tbis act of charity, as it would have been impossi ruff. Andrew U. Ralrd. Charles Hart, bid Ita-r etat-A. 0 Tail Sa wr a.

4 tbe Commissioner ot City Works to advertise AaS SM tw John IVimar, IsansW Ixoly John lution of the nrm and tbat ha was carrying on t'HV w. aa founder, Ue hat represented our ward in the Board of Supervisors; is now a member of the General Committee, and has often reDresented ble witnout tne it co-operation ana consent. for proposals and award contracts for tbe following street improvements, for which tb Col H. KairiM, btddnr; tureuea. William Tim- toe ousineaa.

ers.t i.J mjha, a OttV, he was the grandson of Richard R. Wheeler, ex-postmaster of East New York, and that for soma unaccountable reason he was told tbat bis father and mother were dead, and all information concerning them was denied to him. As be grew to manhood, the -idea that he should know wbo his parents were grew upon bim, and be decided, wben able, to bunt them up. A short time ago be bad a row with his grandfather and left him to go live with ex-Assemblyman Earl on Sunnyside avenue. Shortly after going there be decided that it was absolutely necessary to discover proofs of his parentage, and.

after searching about, learned that uis father waa an assistant editor on tbe Fayetteville semi-weekly bridge. COartrs Hart. Nothing has been received at tbe State De Judt; Cullen. in his dertuoo on the motion na aa mrt Sail lector ot Taxas reports havinz collected more savs: "foe authorities are plain that on tb i. anja iiiuno, ta-ll-r; rura- tbe party in conventions; is an active member ol various charitable organizations, and a thanone-tbim Of tbe assesiment, as required by Tha Vlalaaatl atasoiauou of a partnership or tn sale of lawi For grading and paving Bosh wick ave partment to-day concerning the revolution in Brazil.

The failure to receive additional information leads the Department officials to think that tha cables uea, inomas a.sjann. Jsmot (arev. i. bar Its Hart, bludsr; surtas, J.n itjaiel tb- Tr-wair 11J ta ssarfaS Sa issi Aaar tliorougb, sincere and honest Rennblican. businwu witb its good-will, in th absence of nue, from Stockton street to lie h-alb avenue.

livery member af tbe association, irrespective any covenant to the contrary, either partner or Uotsjy. nmiib. Brown at t'oleman. bfi srrs sureo-a. Prankba st'ooilnuff.

A 11 liwird at an estimated cost ot S3.000; tor grading and i iactiou, snouu vote ror him. Delegates r-at -j te 'II I BttS Ki. 4ia4 1 a aatttlaaa fr taa aaAa ar, ita. aaawat a at a a wss. a.

ATbm la st traaaat SlMl. mmUt-tm Wapay have been seised. Otherwise the representatives ot the United States would doubtless have paving Bush wick avenue, from siotTat to vendor may prose ute tbe same business at any location, even next door to the areoaaasa ooro- w. 1 1 resent tbe names of citizens wbo are well-known and loyal Republicans, and who will Fairfax street, to cost and for grading. pied by tbe firm.

In cases tha good-will kept our Government advised of th. progress of eventa. Among navy officers no surprise was curbioc. guttennst and pavtng three feet on each side ot Hecond avenue, from Thirty-ninth honorably represent our ward in the General if uaiM anl I iiATiaay at ua i amount, to nothing mora than tba prooabilitv of lbs ciistomars resorting for trad to tba old to Fifty-eighth street, at aa estimated coat of iai Committee. Please reuiember First: Voting commences at 3, and no vote can be received after 0 o'clock.

Come early before if iioa- Sarml I iai ira tc tau l-i Th tmi I padita aaDn ttaat If 1 la A-tui i anal' aaaa vim r.fiir wii-l atria given ar laxag aasai to fiv i V(s aitlxast aay aI to aav trifrsb to gratify or aav grwaaara tsajr- aa anrart. ta tea trv-1 of lata-at. tt ill, analarw tiiwal ara-a a-ata -aarM al Final! v. rVasaiaAv al all. a will a af stand.

Defendant, tbereiora, has th right to It wsmapaesaf carry on tbe Wttines-i si the premises be has expressea at tne news ot tne revolution. Commodore Ramsay, Chief of tbe Bureau of navigation, said tbat twenty years ago, wben be was in Brazil, there was a general feeling that when Dom Pedro's reign ended, a republi sible. Second Bring the enclosed ticket with It r-aa. nirea tor tnai DeaH Believe the havaggll.c Ht.ry, and tna am wr aiarte-l ism to cat lanrcta. Ha tanj bins ta aw boar Hm rta aad tmr aweaa ot.aa.-tvi wtaaa ta onVwr want to rr-et hna and Cwvanvxta strark tb isTj wr oa tna twad wrlh a cart mof.

saia.hii.aj kn brltntH sol knot-king bun down aa trnirsrma drew ki. revoavar and jrrwl tb Pan men bsv-k. bat wbuw be raa dray-ging hit praaoa-r ataut tb latter arif clung ta tna itac-a an Vlaruriaatlv tnat tn bnnmatar aar-naa asai tha potiri aian, prater and t-t-at. war ra-a-rifa-tatad ten fsw-t to tba ft.jur twaaath. -a ties patrol waann arnvsd ft earn 1 a bt-aaaaj aad batarrwl poiirwnsaa an 1 a wrsra oat pna-aer to tha all- bnnsa.

TV priw-oat a tm4 to Observer. He wrote to tbe Postmaster for information and recaived a letter stating tbat his father did lire there and would be glad to see him. So he jumped on a train and immediately started South without going to his employer, forgetting tbat be bad $95 in his pocket tbat did not belong to him. He met bis father, was gladly welcomed and found tbat his father and mother were 1 h. ease a on of especial Interest tn tb you to the primary, as no tickets can be distributed in the hall where the primary it held.

Si WfsVA Tbe Collector ot the Port, CoL Erhardt, isineas man. of both thai city and r.w York. can iorm ot government would be instituted. Cranford ot bidders; sureties. John Provosl, Gaonr Malcolm.

li O'Rourka. bsdiiw, aao-attes, William G. Peer son, John Devnn. hrrtiori a-Jsnvn F. Oilkin, b.d-W; sur-l-s, Tbto.

F. Jackson, Jotm Rugr. fsmith. Brown at Coteman, biidars: auriea. Frank.

in Woodruff. A. D. Baird. Cnarlra Hart, bad jar; Swrwcise, Joha Drlmar.

Danlsnl itjdy. at Valentine. hMdVrs: auratwa, John Provost, Garage Maicaim. Join H. ('Kourka, surauaa, William U.

Pearson, Jubu Devlin. Ta amount depoaiUd tn thirty-flv rheck with tbe Commissioner of City Works by proposer for work on a taction of tb water works salt of Rorkville Centra to tnsur sxt-cutwn of contract amounts to S415.UUU. FU llaaa Bring your ticket with you. Third: From 3 to does not seem to grow old worrying about tb i it decides legally a question that ba long aswa-istarax. and tv 4 A Iia-sj a aaawiiy if Ua eaabsa asA.ll 11 II Hi-TCat you will be able to vote without any detention.

oeen uouu so nanny minus. alleged smuggling tbat is being carried on by A. I malt aa laaaat tor par ea ta Horace tsL lresser, William H. Waring, Eu ueuu carry, wbo recently returned from Brazil, says tbat the change which has come to pass, was openly talked ol among Brazilians as probable to occur, and they expected it At and tune. To tbe people of Brazil, be said, it couly way of Long Island Sound.

"This talk about ceoe D. Berri. Ricbard B. Leech. J.

V. lva Piufla patf sa Isr im DOCKMASTEa THOMPSON DEAD, smuggling by veassai coming through tbe nr far xr. arcftll dat-ha'-g the dttats laa tax of Bty faaraaamv aval ltnrltalt. tad al the wad 4 th tarn 1st pretaar I to r. Ilnqatab lht taVw Bl aa IW a lit 11 tartar tog ta th nna of rotati's ta ri ALT aa sr oanl oa 11 bsswSa, Meeerole, John H.

Burt is, Chester B. Lawrence, Joseph B. Bowdeo, Thomas Fitcbie, Eugene F. Barnes, William T. Gregg, Peter Milne.

R. not appear to have been sadden. Sound tt all gas," said be to-day. '-Let some person come to me and positively state that Ttw aal. mail af ttw la snrnj Isaa af He Ksnslrtat la East New Yark Laat Night await tb result of tb asaaaKad men's la ati atw aa ia vnnws Aa tsiisa.ii a there is smuggling going on through that BvMrae CasMreralna Has Fallcet au AA Irving Leecn, Charles Diggs, U.

H. Jadwin. K. Oakley. Charts H.

Taompaon, of Handrtx Pall la Brazilian Seearlfle. LondobT, Nov. 18. Brazilian securities fell A rata SW Or la. Tw fiart lata af Fwl aa sai channel, and then you'll see what I'U do." Tbe Collector added that be had already taken measures to sea if there was any foundation In the tiighth ward there will be a bustle, led East New York, died last tvacimg at (r to Kir aad abuts aa asatrtasa utm fiar.JV Bard, tba w-II ttovi an art, atao a by Mr.

Woodbead, another ot Mr. Nathan's bis home in East New York. wa at cire.ia?ai WM ta lor toe rumor. ass If Fraaa a Atta tVeat. appointees, to down Robert J.

Fielding. Mr. five per cent on the London Stock Exchange to-day. It is difficult to effect transactions in these securities. married at- Mattawan N.

Tbey disagreed and separated shortly after tbe marriage, and the (atber went South while tbe motoer returned home. Wben be was born word was sent to tne father tbat both tbe mother and tb. son died, though neither statement was true. After having visited his father for several days Johnson returned home and went to bis employer, telling bim what bad occurred and promising to make good some of ths money be used on the trip. His employer bad bim arrested.

Ex-Assemblyman Earl believed the story implicitly, bad faith in tbe young mau's honesty, settled tbe debt and Johnson was discharged aud went home wita Mr. Esri. rvwa aaraiSAf. if IS a a aaa Dock master in New York. He resigned last lelding does not fear the result erasfsnatt at IHavaarratt Yark.

ac ffeniig frvm anting i aci zatteai. it a aael eaamra ti ra ti aa imr or is aarsamgs aa St' 1 aa aat Psasseagers aa Beard. In the Ninth ward there will be two tickets. Friday and was succeeded by his too. Th Tba aafa ipaa-aa.

aa ta taa The steamer La Gasgogne, from Havre, They had a lively meeting Saturday night and RELIEVED OF SOME SURPLCSL Drsstitl hartoa W. tm Saalnl- Awahaa anal Flaasi tTOO teaa Fraaa laa II latl a. Casrks K. Ary. a drajrrast at 44T Coart street, roptr'ad to tta polar this muni that fits) bad beta stolesi trosa aim waa tiro ta-twera VI je luvb and 15th of to priaail taonth.

II kept tb iiioaay in a burtaa drsaar ia a room at th rear of bis aar. Tnr wti la fact was announced at tbe dock investigation Aaterlca and the Brazilian RevolatUa. I 'm' tfal iliat UMaaaa. ID flew xork this morning. inuuigea in loua talk.

The result was two tickets. Tbe ticket reported by a Berlin, Nov. 18. Commenting upon the fsaicir-Asr -ealy ail Ba sa a a Sa landed 444 steerage passengers at Castle Garden to-day; tbe Eutrella, from Palermo, It was net until alter 11 o'clock that cbaos likely to result in Rio Janeiro the Cologne committee was: IS. J.

Everett, president: th Commissioners of Accounts investigation Th two boys Piano Birte, aei 17, and Peter Bay ley, aged 30. of 555 West Twr-otar-th street. New York, who siolo a beat from Garry May, tb boatman, at th foot of West Twenlv-tbird strort on Sunday night, were arrsiT-M-d baton Justice Ford in J-tTeraoa Mirket Cjurt tm ixvorniag. Last niht a nudshipmaa. wboa name cooll not be aw-ned.

oggei la two boy to row bim over to to I'miel -state stea n--r Bostoo. Tn boy too tn boat from May's ca-, and started to row ar-c n'Uaa nvr. Asa I Use 4 stAJaars, AAA. a aAirkt Asjaasaad SjeOsa aaaf landed 195. ueorge names ana micnaei u.

More, vice- York anl ve-iaity I ar itaut. four buur at VI A kt ram. For -aatern Ynrk. anas a PannteV Gazette says: "Mr. Blaine will hardly resist was resumed this morning, owing to th ab Among tbe cabin rossenzers on tbe French A la-a ad.

I aaa I a. -A l. aa.1 presidents; Etml Lubrs, secretary; U. J. Ken nedy.

assistant: Francis Baroer. tressnrer sence of the corporation iounsel. i tbe temptation to bring America's influence to steamer were: Baron fava, Italian Minister to A u-t aadtAsg I Ibe nrst witness called was Frederick Dear upon tne aestimes of tbe South." Delegates to the General Committee, M. Fitz I aa ware a 1 sasnt a1 Stack, transportation agent, of 33 Corn tie Wasnington, wbo was met down tbe bay by several prominent Italians in a cutter; Mrs. Livingston, wife of Admiral Livingston: M.

Si at laa 1 al lrAaras. I gerald, 1. a. auxins, jiax t.ier. caanaf mi slip, wbo has acted aa banker for Dockmaater The New GeveraweBt ta Malntala Order, The opposition ticket wbicb went through loonipnn.

uliaai TnrSJSa )rtarFaal. lie Struves, Russian Minister to Washington mo JaUIIRO, no v. IS. The new govern ne presenseo to transcript ot ssr 1 Dome- vs nen orar tna rot-ait cm use nvar tna steamboat Georg A. tsisrr raa into Ue-m.

and to was President Frank M. Avery, Vice-Presidents George Barnes and Michael C. Moore, Secre HI. Case Will Investigated. John Wagner, who said be lived on Atlantic avenue near Scon, was arraigned at tb Gates avenue court to-day on a charge of assaulting his wifa Barbara.

Mrs. Wagners mother appeared in court and stated that ber daughter ana airs. terry. Mt.fA oraw-r is cas antt a 1. ai ment has announced that it will firmly main BAzr-t; Avti.caj-v teanpaa-alAirt arari aatlariy WlTXtS, bar-KBttig VBrABtltt The th svsta uj Um thsrsa rVt at lb km naiK-l iaat nmi fJ u.

l.f at tn naBSB dAsaf I as PT A tlAlU VI ail gs50 fXSj la a roil and 150 in a ir a -tcarak Tne coniaott of tba laib-r www si a turoad. Wben lass kaaad at tt tn nutar rs all right. Ha did nut discover kit ua until ton morning He declare it as his opinion that ta Lnooey waa not Ulan by an straagsr, bat by soma on familtar with bu pc ot tauaintu and ha sou's account showing deposits of t3.36o mtcAshtpmaa fell overboard and was a-v tour months. Neaa.aarl thraaa. atkl ataar le-aL-t- aa tier- -a-atl era r.te-si 1171 sest1l wa 1 ara taara cAah a ttm aaaa aar aa AwAaefas Bishop Talgc's Knmorrd Beslgaatloa.

tary D. H. ill a he. Treasurer E. T.

Everett, General Committee Delegates W. H. Quinn, B. Alt-Govern aud Max Lller. aist.

tne uwuer ot toe uoal refusel to tnaka Mr. Tnompaon'i collection of wharfa*ge aver tain order. It is preparing a circular to foreign governments relative to tbe overthrow of tbe Empire, which will be telegraphed to them PrrrsBCRQ, Nov. 11 It is stated on p. a cnarge of nxreeny azttrast ta two bora.

Jas-tic Fora remsrsled them for further txaaima- aged about to.OuO, as aoown by his returns to was tw in iw ram. so court, put IBa she 1 1 A- a Mlf.S toe department. Tt ua. aar Mir tiCsaa, In the Twelfth ward, wnere there are very few Republicans but always a lively primary, another elloit will be made to down Jim John Mr. btaifc expiainea tnat atr.

Thompson not spa ststaar Ti hia-naat day was to estxiparntwr aa fmmt agi only deposited dock money, but his salary and good authority that tb Right Rev. Bishop Tuigg, of tb Pittsburg diocese, Roman Catholic Church, has resigned, and tbat tbe Right Rev. Bisujp Pnelan, coadjutor, will tat appointed to till the s-scancy. Bishop Tuigg through the Brazilian representatives abroad. The province of Bnhia bs signified its adherence to tbe Republic.

lSews from the other provinces shows they are also in favor ot a republican form ot government. F'any saao-s kar-m a 1111 as r' a- son. In the Seventeenth ward th. Palmer faction. monevs oe conectea as treasurer ot a cnurcti la East New York.

hatt rrar-rnwa im a lata tiinWij aaa 1 wanted tier butoand sent to tbe asylum as be was insane. Tbe court referred tha case to an expert wbo will report on Wagner's sanity. layflower Led are Coarse. The Mayflower lecture course, by tha Rev. Ricbard H.

Bos worth, begins this evening with at lata a eiwa which is always full of fight though always Tbe witness is a son of tbs 1st Dock Com baa been ao invalid i several years, tie Deai en, win as usual coma to the front to con TSisa taaewsa aar aas faatl sa taasta star bad hoped bis health would again permit him Raa Over aad lit lias I-at Bealira. TnAjtria Donx-ran, of 171 Rockawty venue, whil driving one of tbe team, of tb Bud-wtittr Browssry, at 954 Deau Ki-s-et. along Twaoty ueoud street, yeaterdty. fall from hit asat, and to watoa passing over htm, caused a eompjand, frartnr ot his leg. Hm was moveU to beney Hospital.

sHirnvu tiFssa. AraiT.o IB. tA4lo. Lcsswwa arraia, sj t.ur Claim That He Abandonee Her. William Mason, a young electrician, who is missioner L.

J. Stark, and Dockmaster Thompson waa a former employ of to Commissioner who received bis appointment test with the Rhiuebardt faction for suprem arv in the ward. to toko charge oi toe anairs ot me diocese. tafwrSe Th fttaan Will at. A.aia.

Expert tesuniony wa take la tb trial of th will of tb lata Jamaa Staart to-day bafor Sorrojal Albott. Ta prcaparty left hy Mr. Stuart anaountad to about gV 0X), aad wa left to mm widow and tore ehiidrwa trsaav Tbey ar coattating it ea tn gissuad of Ba la Infljeoc and want of ntantal caparstT. Ir. Sidney A.

Fox. for tb cool sat sou. tetia-d that Mr. Stnart's mind was Impaired fraas baa aga waa years oil waaa mm dd. a a a tit tl w-a an 11 1 a a at af a toa Sua ia 111 1 employed in a machin shop at 154 and 159 through mm.

In the Eighteenth ward there willjbe a run in between the Kaiser faction and tbe Frank out ne nas anany aemaea to retire. Sale mt Church Property. Pitiasf Avatei.a Slrsl ii-rrate TW 1 la. wiiiiams i action to sea wbo can manage af Is a. tai.

a arte. rSay.trw- Aw pa aaawraa Onlrer Trabaal Harried. Policeman Stephen Trabani, tbe Italian of rat teasrsaPa piiatti- Judge Cullen in tbe Supreme Court to-day auuirs. la sas Ml' aMffa. handed down an order authorizing the sale of aaaivsn err.

aaesaf La rhaartara. at aar. aawAanT Saris, BA pitwl aaapsVoa. SAtiam. tlaaef B-oar.

fraaa SoKk.apua. West Twenty-second street, New York, was charged at the Gates avenue police court today with abandoning his wife. Bertha Mason, or 84 Esst Fifth street, Flatbush. He claimed tbat she first abandoned bim. Both the parties are young and have only been married a short time.

Tne case was adjourned. In the Nineteenth ward Supervisor Willis will try to down the Baird-Taylor faction to ficer, attached to the Fifth precinct, was married yesterday to Mas Mamie Baffa, at the Werawtary vataa at ta a -v-y ta atlAwat taa trat eS ar. Jaaaa w.a Aeseaanwesstaatt. to saa i a as il fraa a parcel of land ot tbs Reformed Presbyterian Church, formerly called tbe Church ot tbe Mr. Basin IsBavaviaa.

George W. Bungay, tb poet and journalist, wboa death haa been expected hourly, waa this morning declared to be in a ciansadrvrably better cotaiitaon. is now aba to speak a gui bvbu wim tuem lor retiring him. In the Twentieth ward the leader have haen a description ot the Hudson. Dae 13 will be given "The Land ot Celestials;" Jan.

9, "Old Curiosity Shop;" Feb. 7. 'Greece''; March 6, April 3. "Art Studies:" May 1, "The Dark Continent;" June 1, "Cht-cago," Coald Nat Agree. James Wright, bartender for Patrick B.

Brennan, at 306 Bond street, who was arrested Oct. 27 for violation of tba Excise law, was tried to-day before a jury in tbe Butler street police court. The jury, after being out an hour, failed to agree and wera aiscbargei. V. a lit ta ffcea.1 ii a ta ftrear Italian R.

Church, on Preai dent street. Last nigh the couple entertained a number of unable to bold tbeir folio wars to tha tarmi nr Covenanters, situated at the corner Tompkins and Willoughby avenues, which is valued at JOTTlNtiw op ITT jsawa. aaea l' ta ta Aaaa a- ww-ra i 4 1 ta AMe4 aiatAa arsjRaraaS kawtll tneir needs at tneir new borne on Bedford li WA'SM. peaoe agreed to and to there will be a red hot contest. Col.

Harry Beard had his aide ail ruiht but tbe Federal Club. Comratsman Wal faw words. His ultimata recovery, however. dae-l aaaA-tHy i aaa sa Mayer Chapla Absent from the City. Mayor Chapin has been absent from the city avenue.

tl TV fury la taw (, f' artaraeaua ea th co a Tasssua tLan at aououui. SI sat tstpA rJAan a a -1 A A Iter Httatt llss. OW. Ttrroa, lod. Nov.

la. Wtuk a party of four boy war rabtat btnttlAtg aaar Atlanta, a small village ta tb scothara riat of thai eouoty. yesterday the le-yaar-otii sna of ii Orr. aa Arcadia ttraunt, aad his tatad sa Dtetnly btowa of by to ocnJsnitl daacnarcs of a gun in to kaaoaof Itvvl DtrsLowar. a tad aboot toe stun atn- The bovs srr a lenc at Ua Qooe of to acoowal.

Saawrlateaateat Murray Take a Tar at las. Superintendent of Police William Murray sines Friday, and will not return to his office aaaa a tf aa sa. 1 Aw A Stsraaaer Overslae- Ima ana a a Oeajraa tVwstoa. of 41 taark wt atrtwt. day teat ta Penitentiary liar as lar aJAattto ligh fa aijA.r-a laea- aavl test BalcMe at Sea.

An Italian whoa nam could not be asa left New York to-day with bis family on a Ta liAAaVtrtal ta ta fVaBa.aaA. tf Iwtai" Sari aw a-awl nw a aeft Istka ar-t a Ther is cotDUdrabl anxiety la maritime circles about the National tine steamer Italy, which left Liverpool for New York on tbe 1st until Wednesday morning. To-morrow even-in bs will open the fair at the BushWick Ret'ormed Church. Alderman McOarty is acting Mayor. lace's organization, would not submit, and so tuero will bj just tbe tarns oil-time lively encounter between both factions.

In the Twenty-firit ward there will be four tickets in tbe field, and the outcome is somewhat problematical. In the Twenty-second ward young Timothy L. Woodruff will try to get control of t)U tsdned cat hia throat oa the French atramer vacation of ten days in Virginia. During bis absence Chief Inspajetor Byrnes will act as a7 as.aal. loaasw a.

ti a aaat tat lit lAMuntt saw-. Man ia Mcnkaa wa w-at tn ta at ttat (rata Tf.taomin b-tty for -alia, tar laevaaicatAua and a ant MKhtsaj wlf arat af La Gattrogne oa tbe 11th inst. He died from bar Injur ve and was turiel at s-sv Superintendent. H. A Tucker, M.

A Has i aaat a tsVaaraJ. Oliver Jahaaea Still Liagerlag. Tbe condition of Oliver Johnson to-day is practically unchanged, although it is thought by those at tha bedside that he grows weaker hourly. inst. She has not yet been si eh ted and th gravest tears are felt for bervu-fety, as tne generally makes tbe trip in tairteoo or fourteen days.

Sbehsasixty steerag pss-asngnrs tnaka oaiv-losr break faat "Hat," Getbsas Ta-aW-l SB I astaaty taataat aw4 MB lit" On anre way ta keep year kashaae at borne rvenlnga Is ta arevide bim with THE KTA.MIlKII-lMO.V, and he will be happy and eont.ateu. Attaert. gar-Oi at aha wr a aa tv. ally) a a.n as year Man avwrv i aia as i' IS aaBtsa aaar si.ih, Twass jaa am aw mt sa. association to that he can ba ve delegates to pot sp agaluat bis uncle, Franklin Woodruff.

Me CSTOrwes- th fTTAS IKD-l IOW Xlswsl as rtar toss as ary awawtash Oafy 1 A ssals prrsvwrh, Tatar vults aar aist. Oeava, Browa Bi ail. alu. FuiTiaBrs szraatrta ta 383 Clinton street. OBce hours (except Wednesdays! A.

M. to 2 P. Sundays to 1 P. M. on ooaxu.

pooy a..

The Standard Union from Brooklyn, New York (2024)


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