Neytiri/Relationships (2024)

Neytiri's relationships


  • 1 Romance
    • 1.1 Jake Sully
  • 2 Family
    • 2.1 Neteyam
    • 2.2 Lo'ak
    • 2.3 Kiri
    • 2.4 Tuktirey
    • 2.5 Eytukan
    • 2.6 Mo'at
    • 2.7 Sylwanin
  • 3 Friends and Allies
    • 3.1 Tsu'tey
    • 3.2 Grace Augustine
    • 3.3 Seze
    • 3.4 Spider Socorro
    • 3.5 Ronal
  • 4 Enemies and Rivals
    • 4.1 Miles Quaritch
    • 4.2 Frances Ardmore
    • 4.3 Parker Selfridge


Jake Sully[]

Neytiri is incredibly protective of Jake and cares for him dearly. She was willing to give up her destiny as Tsahik after falling in love, and protects Jake whenever he's in immediate danger. The two share common interests such as ikran flying and wishing to protect Pandora's nature.

Neytiri and Jake's relationship starts in the forest of Pandora when Neytiri watches an unassuming Jake from above. She prepares to kill Jake, following the Na'vi's decree not to allow the Sky People anywhere near their home. However, she later spares him after Eywa presented a sign, going so far as to rescue Jake from a pack of viperwolves and bringing him to the Omatikaya clan. Neytiri is later instructed to educate Jake in the ways of the Omatikaya, much to her annoyance. At first, Neytiri was a demanding and strict teacher, but as time passes, her and Jake grow closer to one another and a mutual attraction grows between them. After Jake bonds with one of the ikran of the Hallelujah Mountains, and so finishes the final test to become one of the Omatikaya people, their relationship reaches a new level.

Neytiri/Relationships (1)

After the night of Jake's ceremony of acceptance, the two go off together to a grove of trees called the Trees of Voices where they both choose each other as life mates and mate before Eywa. This seals their relationship for the remainder of their lives, according to the Na'vi way. However, Neytiri is heartbroken when Jake reveals his true initial intention for infiltrating the clan; he was working as a spy within the RDA to try and convince the Na'vi to leave their home. Neytiri brands Jake a traitor and harshly rejects him from the clan, claiming he 'will never be one of The People!" Their relationship is temporarily broken, with Neytiri abandoning Jake and Grace to the mercy of the RDA as the attack on Pandora begins.

Neytiri/Relationships (2)

After Jake proves his strong connection to Eywa by becoming Toruk Makto, Neytiri realizes that he is not a traitor to the Na'vi, but instead has risked his life to ally himself with them. Neytiri is first stunned by Jake's loyalty and love for her and the people and regains her love for him as she says "I see you". Jake displays his love for her by distracting Colonel Quaritch from killing her while she lays pinned by the body of her thanator. Neytiri shows her love for Jake on two separate occasions. First, she saves his avatar's life from an enraged Tsu'tey when the link is halted by Quaritch. Later on, she saves both his human and avatar bodies from Quaritch by not only killing the Colonel but also by placing an oxygen mask on Jake's human face after he nearly suffocates in Pandora's atmosphere. After Jake regains consciousness, Neytiri begins to shed tears of joy while holding the human Jake in her arms. As Jake goes through the consciousness transfer, she watches over both his human and avatar bodies up until the point where he wakes up as a true Na'vi.Jake and Neytiri's bond is further solidified when, after receiving news that Jake had been poisoned by Tsu'tey's parents, Neytiri immediately abandons her mission with the other clans to return home and assist him, and is greatly relieved to see he has survived.

Neytiri/Relationships (3)

Neytiri eventually welcomes three children with Jake - two sons named Neteyam and Lo'ak and a daughter called Tuk. The two also adopt Kiri, a Na'vi baby mysteriously born from Grace Augustine's inactive avatar body. Neytiri is a caring, protective mother and is happiest when all her family is safe and happy around her. Neytiri is incredibly conflicted when Jake informs her they must leave the clan in order to protect the People as well as their children from the re-emerging RDA forces. She argues that their place is within the Omatikaya and the forest is their home. Despite this, she eventually agrees and tearfully leaves her home alongside her family, ultimately seeking refuge with the Metkayina clan.

Neytiri/Relationships (4)

Upon arriving at the home of the Metkayina, Neytiri immediately clashes with Ronal, the Tsahik of the clan, and finds it hard to adjust to the new ocean-centric lifestyle but she supports her husband in encouraging the children to try their best to fit in. Following Neteyam's death, a hysterical Neytiri is comforted by Jake who urges her to have a 'strong heart' and stand by him as they attempt to rescue their kidnapped daughters from Quaritch and the RDA. She launches into a murderous fury and, together, they rescue both Kiri and Tuk and reunite after the SeaDragon sinks and they all escape. Neytiri is seen laying Neteyam to rest with Jake and the rest of the clan and connecting to Ewya alongside Jake, where they both share a tender memory of Neteyam.



Neytiri/Relationships (5)

Though it is not shown in great detail, Neytiri had a good relationship with her older son. When he was born, Neytiri received him with great emotion, and even carrying him when he received his first connection in the tree. She viewed him as reliable and would take him on many of her missions with Jake, and she also entrusted him with caring for his other siblings. Neteyam shot a Recombinant aiming at his mother in the back of the head while she was trying to save his younger siblings from Quaritch. Neytiri expressed concern for her son's obvious injuries following a battle and, although he reassured her that he was fine, it still caused her to be annoyed at Jake for disciplining him instead of attending to his wounds first. Neytiri was incredibly distraught when Neteyam died, and is seen screaming and crying when she realises he has passed away. Neteyam's death solidifies Neytiri's hatred for the RDA and the Sky People, launching her into a murderous fury aboard the SeaDragon.


Neytiri/Relationships (6)

Although their interaction is not shown in great detail, Neytiri loves Lo'ak very much and feels sad and discouraged by Jake's indifference to their youngest son, although she also makes it clear she is disappointed by Lo'ak's mischievous behavior. Neytiri is seen hugging Lo'ak when he almost died during his ikran training when he hit himself on the head and fell to the ground from a deadly height. When Lo'ak returns to the clan after being abandoned by Aonung, Neytiri rushes to check that he is well. Neytiri shows her concern for him when Jake tells Lo'ak that he had embarrassed his family, as she looks at Lo'ak with sadness. Lo'ak called "Mom!" when they reunited outside the sinking SeaDragon and she can be seen touching his cheek while keeping one of her hands on his back.


Neytiri/Relationships (7)

While not as close as her adoptive mother as she is to Jake, Kiri still loves her adoptive mother. At one point, Neytiri asks Kiri what is wrong and Kiri finds it difficult to open up to her, instead only replying that it is nothing. Kiri wishes Neytiri would be more accepting towards Spider as the human's inclusion into the family acts as a point of contention between her and Neytiri as displayed when she pleads for her not to kill Spider while being held at knife point by Quaritch. Nonetheless she has been seen to care for her adoptive mother as seen when she cried out for Neytiri when she tried to save Tuk from falling into the SeaDragon. Kiri would later go on to save her adoptive mother and sister from the flooding ship.


Neytiri is seen to have a good relationship with her youngest daughter and cares for her well-being and her safety as she does with all her children. This is seen when she is flying to the Metkayina village and has Tuk with her and shelters her from the harsh elements and lets her sleep inside her cloak on the long journey. It is also seen that she cares very deeply for her safety such as when Tuk fell down a flooding doorway and into the sinking SeaDragon. Neytiri jumped in to save her and tried to find a way out and comforted her when she said she was scared.


Neytiri/Relationships (8)

Neytiri had much respect for her father, Eytukan, the clan leader of the Omatikaya, and she loved him very much. When Eytukan died by a piece of wood which pierced his chest after RDA forces, led by Quaritch, attacked and destroyed Hometree, she found her father only to found out that he was dying. Her father who told her to take his ceremonial bow to her and telling her to protect the people. Neytiri then experienced through a time of great emotional pain and anguish, crying and wailing over her deceased father. After his death, Neytiri took his bow and used it to help protect her people, just as her father had requested as his dying wish.

In the aftermath, during a discussion with Jake about leaving the Omatikaya, Neytiri bows and mentions her father, who gave her his bow and asked her to protect the village. Jake made her realize that leaving the clan would be best way to fulfill her father's last wish.


Neytiri/Relationships (9)

Neytiri loves her mother, Mo'at, and respects her as the spiritual leader of the Omatikaya and as a direct line to Eywa. It was she who introduced Jake to her mother to tell her that she saw a sign of Eywa and ask her, along with her father, what to do with him, since humans or avatars were not allowed to approach their lands due to the slaughter that the RDA did. against young Na'vi (among them Sylwanin, her other daughter) by rebelling against them for cutting down trees. Neytiri is always nearby helping her when her mother does her rituals. This can be seen when Neytiri watches over and cares for Grace and Jake's human bodies in the Ritual of Transference. However, Neytiri does not always obey her mother's orders. When she falls in love with Jake, she disobeys both of her parents and mates with him. Neytiri and Mo'at were devastated by the loss of Eytukan and their home.

Years later, when Neytiri emigrates with her family to the Awa'atlu village, she looks very sad that she had to leave her people, including her mother, as Mo'at continues to serve as the clan's tsahik.


Although Sylwanin sometimes teased Neytiri as a child, they appear to have been very close as children, spending much of their time together. Sylwanin and Neytiri agreed to opening Grace Augustine's schoolhouse and attended it together for 10 years, with Grace remarking that the two were her best students. Tragically, it was in the schoolhouse where Sylwanin was killed right in front of Neytiri, which likely contributed to her resentment toward sky people.

Friends and Allies[]


Neytiri/Relationships (10)

Tsu'tey and Neytiri are close friends; they grew up and learned together, although Tsu'tey was in love with Neytiri's older sister, Sylwanin. After her older sister was killed, Neytiri took her place as tsahìk-in-training and was betrothed to Tsu'tey. The fact they were going to be a mated pair suggests that Neytiri pitied him and agreed to be a couple in order to ease his grief. The two bonded over their shared feelings of missing Sylwanin. Although Neytiri cared for him as a friend, Neytiri did not love Tsu'tey and chose Jake as her mate instead.

After Jake and Neytiri mate, Tsu'tey was still angered and attempts to kill Jake in a fit of rage. Neytiri defends Jake's unconscious avatar against him after Jake is disconnected by Quaritch. Neytiri respected Tsu'tey, but she often treated him with superiority and contempt, especially when she openly showed her dislike for Jake. Their relationship was eased somewhat by Jake's confession of the true purpose of his mission with the Omatikaya and later during the Battle of the Tree of Souls, the two fought directly alongside Jake as Toruk Makto. After the final battle, she is saddened when she and Jake find Tsu'tey suffering after his fall from the Valkyrie shuttle, crying as Jake mercifully ends his life.

Grace Augustine[]

Neytiri/Relationships (11)

Neytiri and Grace had a close relationship. She considered Neytiri, along with her sister, Sylwanin, as one of her best students. The military intervention of the Sec-Ops soldiers in the school inevitably distanced them, as all Sky People, including Grace, were banned from entering the Omatikaya village. Upon her return, Neytiri continued to be friendly and even protective of her. The two had a mutual respect for each another. Neytiri rushes to Grace's side when she collapses after being returned to her human form by Quaritch. She is greatly concerned when she learns from Jake that Grace is dying and feels a strong sense of loss when she passes away.


Neytiri/Relationships (12)

Neytiri had a close and affectionate bond with her ikran, Seze, which is apparent when she first introduces the beast to Jake, petting her and giving her treats. Together, they hunted and battled highly efficiently. Seze was Neytiri's mount during the Battle of Ayram Alusìng. With her agility and Neytiri's navigation and quick thinking, they managed to escape a pursuing Samson aircraft by flying into the dense jungle, but unfortunately, Seze was taken down by Lyle Weinfleet (while using his AMP suit), sending her and Neytiri tumbling to the ground. Seze was killed and a distraught Neytiri took time to mourn her and stroke her neck before fleeing the oncoming ground troops.

Spider Socorro[]

Neytiri/Relationships (13)

Neytiri has a strained relationship with Spider. Neytiri had a hard time accepting Spider because she always saw him as one of the people who killed her father and destroyed her home.[1] Since he was young, she disliked him playing with her children and she believed he would be better off with his own kind. She also entirely blames the sky people for the war that took place on Pandora a decade and a half ago; when Spider calls it "our war", an infuriated Neytiri says "it is your war" back at him. Neytiri did not treat him as one of her children, and not because she despised him for his human origin, but because he is the son of her greatest enemy, Miles Quaritch. Despite his arguments regarding his innocence and the fact that he had nothing to do with his father crimes, Neytiri ignored any words from the boy. While rescuing her children, Neytiri does not seem to have wanted to save Spider just before he was kidnapped, (probably because she was sick of him being around her family or because she did not have time to help him) since Kiri did not want to abandon him. At the same time he seems unaware that the child was in danger.He believes she hates him and he does not consider her his true adoptive mother, referring to her instead as "Mrs. Sully". At one point, Kiri invites Spider into a family gathering which greatly irritates Neytiri. Neytiri views him as trouble and does not like Kiri being around him, later on trying to forbid the two from any interaction, telling an incredibly upset Kiri that he is not part of the family.

Neytiri/Relationships (14)

At the SeaDragon, in order to get Kiri back, Neytiri held Spider hostage and slightly cut him across the chest as a threat to Quaritch. For a moment she even seemed willing to fatally stab him, although it is unclear if she was bluffing or not. Despite surviving with just a scratch, Spider was visibly shocked after this. Neytiri does, however, push Spider behind her instead of towards Quaritch which may be perceived as a hint Neytiri may care about his welfare to some degree.


Neytiri/Relationships (15)

The relationship between Ronal and Neytiri was tense since both have strong and similar personalities. Exasperated that her children have "demon" blood and of Ronal's criticizing attitude towards Jake, Neytiri defended Jake and began listing his merits with obvious superiority, pointing out Jake was Toruk Makto and that he helped save her people.

Over time, however, both found a thread of understanding, derived mainly from the common title of Tsahìk (Neytiri would inherit it in the future). According to Avatar: The Way of Water: The Visual Dictionary, Ronal was instructing Neytiri how to live harmoniously with the ocean. Later on, Neytiri was disgusted by how easily Ronal felt like giving up on helping Kiri awake from her coma, making Neytiri tell her, "You are Tsahìk!" This convinced Ronal to help Kiri, and Neytiri told the scientists to get out so Ronal could perform her medicine as the scientists had done nothing. After Ro'a's death, Neytiri felt sincerely sorry for her as Neytiri knew what it was like to lose Seze. Ronal eventually helps Neytiri hold a funeral for Neteyam.

Enemies and Rivals[]

Miles Quaritch[]

Neytiri/Relationships (16)

Quaritch and Neytiri are enemies, with Quaritch calling her "Jake's batsh*t crazy wife". Neytiri's hatred towards Quaritch began with the destruction of the Hometree, which resulted in the death of her father. She fiercely fought him in the final battle, and it was she who inflicted the fatal shots on the Colonel, thus saving Jake's life. Most likely, knowing of his parentage, Neytiri despises Quaritch's son Spider, despite the fact that the boy spent a lot of time (almost his whole life) with her family and became close friends with Kiri in particular. Learning that the Colonel had been reborn as a Recombinant, Neytiri called him a demon and vowed to kill him as many times as necessary. The height of her hatred came after her son Neteyam was shot by one of the Recombinants, possibly Quaritch himself or Lieutenant Wainfleet. This made Neytiri go berserk, even threatening to kill Spider just to intimidate the Colonel, but ultimately took pity on the boy.

Frances Ardmore[]

Neytiri/Relationships (17)

Like Jake, Neytiri was against Ardmore's mission. Ardmore threatened to kill Neytiri if Jake did not stand down. Neytiri was irritated by Ardmore and the RDA refusing to back down, viewing Ardmore and her people as merely more Sky People that can not See. During the fiasco on the Interstellar Vehicle Venture Star, Neytiri took the opportunity to twist Ardmore's arm, causing it to snap and possibly break.

Parker Selfridge[]

Though not shown to the two, Neytiri is shown to also have a hatred towards Parker Selfridge, as shown when he approaches her and Jake, Neytiri suddenly pulling out her knife to defend Jake.

Neytiri/Relationships (2024)


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