Learning to be Free - Chapter 22 - CobaltCactus (2024)

Chapter Text

Shadowheart groaned and rubbed her eyes as she padded sleepily out of the bathroom. There was little more that she hated than waking up in the middle of the night. She couldn’t wait to climb back into bed and slip back under the covers. Even though she knew she was mere steps from the bedroom, it felt miles away. The only silver lining was that the bathroom was indoors now. She did not miss the old ritual of getting dressed and running to the outhouse before her bladder burst; that was the worst.

As soon as she crossed the bedroom’s threshold, an unexpected noise made her freeze and listen. She squinted as she tried to focus on the murmur, so low that she could barely hear it. Turning around, she took in the whole landing, trying to figure out where the noise was coming from. That’s when she noticed Lae’zel sitting cross legged on the floor facing the far wall, her form silhouetted by moonlight from the nearby window.

Shadowheart’s eyebrows pinched together. Was Lae’zel talking? If so, who the f*ck was she talking to? Even though it was dark, she could clearly make out that she was hunched over. Was she ill? She took a few cautious steps closer to try to figure out what she was watching.

“Dra’kul verin a’ka. Naut l’ussta, dos orn t’lu Xan–” Lae’zel spoke just above a whisper; she stopped mid sentence and glanced over her left shoulder.

Shadowheart held her breath and attempted to blend into the shadows.

“I know you are there, Shadowheart. The dark may prevent me from seeing you, but I can still smell you just as well,” she said aloud, quickly covering up the egg in her lap with a nearby blanket.

Shadowheart sighed and strode over to where she sat, “Sorry, I really wasn’t trying to be nosy. I was up to go to the bathroom then got worried when I heard you talking and I didn’t see anyone else. Who were you talking to anyhow? Are you feeling ok?” She crouched and put the back of her hand on Lae’zel’s forehead.

Lae’zel swatted her hand away with a growl, “I am fine! Go back to sleep. What I am doing does not concern you!”

Shadowheart pulled back her hand, a deeply hurt look on her face.

Lae’zel sighed, “I apologize. You did not deserve that. I am just– I do not want you to think less of me for the foolishness of my actions.”

A moment of awkward silence passed between them.

“You may join me if you’d like,” Lae’zel relented.

Shadowheart weighed her options, then sat down next to her, “Considering you overthink things by default, I doubt you're being foolish.”

“We will see about that. This is who I was talking to,” Lae’zel muttered as she tossed aside the blanket covering the egg in her lap.

Her brow bounced up in surprise, “How long have you been talking to the egg behind my back?”

“Since our decision to keep them. It was not hard to do. You are a very sound sleeper; even more so on nights I lay you.”

“I see–,” she pouted slightly, “What do you tell it?”

“Xan, not it,” Lae’zel corrected.

“Excuse me?” Shadowheart blinked.

“After careful meditation, I have decided that the hatchling will be named Xan. It means ‘freedom’ in Tir. I found it most fitting since they will have the freedom to become whomever they want in our care,” she gazed warmly at the egg.

Shadowheart stared at her dumbfounded, “Really?!”

“Yes? I would not lie to you.”

Shadowheart frowned, “So, let me get this straight. You named it–”

“Xan,” Lae’zel interrupted with a glare, “Not it.

She clenched her jaw and scowled, “You named them all on your own without me?!”

Lae’zel’s eyebrows knitted together, “You do not approve. You do not like the name?”

“No, I mean yes, I mean– ugh. It’s fine, Lae’zel. It’s just something we should’ve done together,” she grumbled.

Oh,” she said, dropping her chin to her chest, “I did not intend to upset you. Once tonight was more than enough, I am sorry.”

Shadowheart took a deep breath and calmed herself at the apparent sincerity of Lae’zel’s apology. “It’s ok,” she patted Lae’zel’s thigh reassuringly, then rested her head on her shoulder, “I forgive you. The name you chose is beautiful, honestly– very thoughtful. I doubt if I could’ve come up with something like that.”

Lae’zel smiled gently, “I am relieved you agree.”

“I take it that it’s customary for gith to name their hatchlings before hatching like humans and elves do with their babies?”

“No, it is the opposite. I was not presented my name by my varsh until about–” she grumbled to herself in frustration while trying to convert time scales in her head then eventually gave up. “Several Toril years after holding my first sword– I believe.”

“You mentioned learning to hold a sword at somewhere around six years old, right?”


“Why did you have to wait so long for a name? How does not having one for so long even work?”

“Many kin fail at the first hurdles of life and training. Until a hatchling can prove themselves loyal to Vlaakith in some way, they are just a number,” she frowned. “Xan will not be pledging their loyalty to that shka’keth, so there was no reason that we withhold their name.”

“Does your name have a thoughtful meaning in Tir like Xan’s?” Shadowheart asked, looking up at Lae’zel.

“Yes,” she grinned and puffed her chest out with pride. “All githyanki are named with purpose. My name crudely translates to ‘indomitable sunderer’ in your language. Unfortunately the chosen tongue of this place is primitive. My name’s true meaning in Tir is exquisite in ways that are simply beyond Toril’s comprehension.”

“Even the rough translation fits you well. It’s also surprisingly prophetic, don’t you think? You are the one who kicked off the civil war to sever Vlaakith’s claim to the throne after all,” she smiled.

Lae’zel hummed, “I suppose it is… You surprise me.”

“Why? It wasn’t that much of a stretch, really."

“Not that. Are you not going to goad me about not being indomitable due to your conquering me with your charms or other nonsense?”

She laughed, “As much as it warms my heart that you finally admit it, not this time, no. I am curious though– you mentioned your name being given after you proved your loyalty. What did you do to earn such a name?”

“I survived my first battle to the death and showed no fear, even when gaining this,” she pointed proudly at the scar running from her forehead to her chin. “It was a glorious battle! I wish you could have witnessed it. I strengthened a clutch senior to mine by cleaving two of its members in half that day. Few others can claim such a feat.”

“I’m glad you survived,” was the only thing Shadowheart could come up with to say. The thought of Lae’zel being outnumbered and forced to fight older children to the death made Shadowheart’s stomach turn but she was careful not to let on. She changed the subject instead, “I think that since you picked Xan’s first name, it is only fair that I get to choose a middle name.”

“Very well, what do you choose?”

Aravae. It’s elvish for ‘great happiness or joy.’”

Lae’zel nodded appreciatively, “A thoughtful choice as well.”

“Yes…So…You never answered my question. What do you two talk about while I’m sleeping?”

“All manner of things, though most of the time I discuss the reasons why Xan should not fear hatching.” She rubbed her fingertip along one of the thinnest metal bands on the egg and it crumbled under her touch.

Shadowheart shot Lae’zel a shocked look, “Is that supposed to do that?”

“Yes. The metal giving way is a good sign. It means the shell’s composition is changing. I believe my infallible logic is getting through to them.”

Meanwhile in the bedroom, Karlach let out a groan and stretched, not quite awake or asleep. Satisfied with her new position, she tried pulling Lae’zel closer. She was so unexpectedly soft and squishy just like a pillow. A pillow? She cracked her eyes open and sure enough there was a pillow where the gith should be.

“Damnit, Lae,” she sighed as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Glancing around, Shadowheart was nowhere to be found either. “f*ck!”

She placed the pillow back where it should be and moved to the edge of the bed. Sitting up slowly with a yawn, she heard what sounded like two people talking outside the bedroom in the hallway. She debated on whether or not to investigate. Even though it didn’t sound like it, the last thing she wanted to do is walk in on her two besties having sex. Then again that probably wasn’t happening since they’d promised not to. She stood up and tiptoed towards the sound.

“Well, as much as I look forward to meeting them, I hope they stay in there at least just one more day,” said Shadowheart.

“Hey, what are you two doing up? It’s either very late or very early and we should all be in bed,” Karlach asked sleepily, suddenly behind them.

“Come to check and make sure we’re not having sex? Well, we’re not as you can clearly see. We're just talking,” Shadowheart answered sarcastically.

“Yeah– all while holding– hey, is that what I think that is? Ooh! Ooh! That’s the egg from the crèche isn’t it?” her eyes lit up. “Does this mean I’m gonna be an Auntie?!”

Lae’zel and Shadowheart gave each other tired looks.

“Please? Please? Please? Please? Please?,” Karlach begged unashamedly, tail wagging in excitement. “I’ll be the best Auntie ever, promise!”

“Even if there’s complications from them being in their egg for too long? We honestly have no idea what to expect if or when they hatch,” Shadowheart asked.

“Of course! All kids need lots of love and attention and I have tons to give,” she grinned. “I’ll prove it. Auntie Karlach will babysit them at your wedding. How about that?”

“I do not think–” Lae’zel started.

“Don’t tell me you were just going to leave them here by themselves all day?” Karlach frowned.

“They do not require constant care just yet. They are an egg.”

“Yeah, but wouldn’t those people hunting Shads want to steal it?”

“Xan,” Lae’zel corrected.

“Huh?” Karlach raised a brow.

“The egg’s name is Xan,” Shadowheart explained.

“Oh! Right on,” she smiled. “Wouldn’t they want to take Xan? Especially if they know he or she is important to you two?”

“Yes, that is likely,” Lae’zel reluctantly agreed.

“Then it's settled. I’ll be Xan’s bodyguard tomorrow to make damn sure no harm comes to the little guy or gal so you two can focus on each other.”

“Thanks, Karlach,” Shadowheart said, “please understand that it’s incredibly important you mustn’t tell anyone. Not even Wyll. You must keep Xan hidden in a backpack at all times.”

“My pleasure, and I won’t.” She clapped her hands together, “I’m so f*cking excited! Think we can go back to bed? I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep, but I want to try.”

Somewhere outside a rooster crowed as the first glimmers of dawn seeped into the bedroom. Lae’zel grumbled and peered out of heavily lidded eyes. Though hours had passed, it felt as though they’d laid back down mere minutes ago. She tried lifting Karlach’s arm off her body but it was no use. After her last escape, she’d put her in a death grip.

She tapped her arm, “Karlach? Wake up.”

Karlach snorted loudly, then began to snore.


Karlach jolted, “I’m awake! I’m awake! No need to yell.”

“What?” Shadowheart groaned sleepily.

“It is time for us to wake but I could not move because of the giant tiefling in our bed. I have things to do,” Lae’zel huffed.

“You can’t take one day off from training, even on your wedding day?” Shadowheart mumbled, “For me?”

Lae’zel scoffed, “Fine, but know that my skipping training has no bearing on when I rise. There is much to do to be ready for this evening and precious little time. The first of many tasks this day is drawing a bath as you insist I do,” she said flatly before standing and leaving the bedroom.

Shadowheart couldn’t help but grin to herself as a wonderfully sexy idea hatched in her mind, “I hope you don’t mind Karlach, but I still plan on keeping up with our morning ritual of bathing together.”

Karlach raised a brow.

“Relax. Just Lae’zel and I. The bath is not for the three of us,” she informed her.

“I kinda figured. I don’t think that tub of yours could handle all of us at once.”

“A statement like that tempts me to prove you wrong,” she teased.

Karlach let out a nervous laugh.

“Oh come off it! I was just joking. Even though it’s not like we haven’t bathed together, with Lae’zel and I being an item, it could be awkward.”


“Speaking of…I should go check on her,” Shadowheart stood and walked towards the doorway. “By the way, you’re more than welcome to bathe here this morning after we’re done, if you’d like.”

“That would be great, thanks!” Karlach called after her.

Shadowheart gave a couple of quick raps on the bathroom door, “It’s me.”

“Come in,” Lae’zel said.

Shadowheart slipped quietly into the door. A light steam swirled around the room, coating the mirror and walls with moisture. Lae’zel was reclined in the tub, water up to her neck. She looked over her shoulder with warm, golden eyes at the door clicking shut.

“Hey,” Shadowheart smiled coyly and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, “Mind if I–?”

Lae’zel beckoned her closer with a slight, almost imperceptible tilt of her head.

Shadowheart reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, enjoying Lae’zel’s unwavering stare as she let it fall to the floor. She then looped her fingers in the waistband of her underwear and pulled them down as well.

“Even if we were to make an eternal home in the astral, I shall never grow tired of the sight of you undressing for me,” she smiled adoringly and sat up, offering a hand to Shadowheart.

“Stop. You’re going to make me blush,” she said, as she took Lae’zel’s hand and stepped into the tub. As soon as she took her seat with her back to her, Lae’zel wrapped her arms around her midsection and pulled her close, nails digging lightly into flesh.

Shadowheart gasped, “What do you think you’re doing, you horny gith?”

“My intentions are nothing of the sort. I am simply taking succor in the sensation of your flesh against mine,” she nuzzled her face against her neck. “Also the soft feel of you in my arms…I missed both.”

“It was only for one night and I was just on the other side of the bed!,” she chuckled and rested her hands on Lae’zel’s arms at her waist.

“One night too many and much too far,” she sighed, wrapping her legs around her too so that she enveloped her in a full body embrace. She rested her chin on her shoulder and within moments the now-familiar fluttering sensation in her throat returned, but this time she didn’t try to hide it. Instead, she closed her eyes in contentment and let it happen.

“Aww!” Shadowheart melted at the unexpected innocence of the gesture.

They sat like that in silence together for several moments, Lae’zel’s purr the only sound.

“I missed you too. That’s why I lied and told Karlach that our morning bath is a ritual of ours I needed to keep.”

“Would that it were actually our custom,” she said quietly.

“Then let’s make it one, for real. Though, I’d have to set the expectation that we’d actually wash each other and not just use it as another excuse to have sex.”

Lae’zel’s grunted, ending her purr, “Does that mean bathing and sex are mutually exclusive now?”

“No. I’m just saying that regardless if we have a little fun or not we should use the time to actually bathe as well.”

“Understood,” she released her grip on Shadowheart and slid her forward, putting enough space between them to reach for the sponge and soap.

“What just happened? Did I say something wrong and upset you? I didn’t mean we had to stop cuddling now,” she pouted.

Lae’zel sighed, “No. It is for the best, lest I fall prey to my base desires. We are still in a period of celibacy, are we not?” She soaked the sponge and worked the soap into it until it was full of rich lather. Steadying Shadowheart with one hand, she rubbed it over the back of her neck, across her shoulders, then down over her spine.

“Ugh, why do you have to be so noble when it comes to us? I wish you had given in– gods that feels good,” she groaned.

Lae’zel smiled to herself and changed the subject, “I know that today is very important to you. Are you nervous?”

“Strangely enough, no,” Shadowheart relaxed and enjoyed the feeling of the deliberate motions of the sponge gliding in small circular motions along her ribs and torso before changing to long, even strokes over her arms. She could almost swear Lae’zel was using the same fluid motion she’d seen her take many times when putting a whetstone to her blade.

“That is good. Neither am I.” The water rippled as Lae’zel repositioned and brought Shadowheart back with her into a slight recline, “Are you comfortable? It is time to wash the front of you unless you prefer to do it yourself.”

“Yes, I’m comfortable,” she tilted her head awkwardly and grinned up at her. “Go ahead.”

Lae’zel grinned back and rubbed the sponge over Shadowheart’s neck, “Close your eyes. I will do all of the work.”

She let out a contented sigh and did as asked.

“Which of our guests are you looking forward to seeing the most today?” Lae’zel asked as she washed Shadowheart’s face, then eased the sponge across her chest and down between her breasts.

“Nocturne, probably. I was hoping to have another opportunity to catch up a little. “Mmm,” she groaned as Lae’zel scrubbed down over her tummy, then back up between her breasts and over her chest again, retracing the path several times. Even though Lae’zel hadn’t touched either breast yet, her nipples were getting hard.

Lae’zel snickered, “Do you always become aroused when bathing?”

“Shut up. If I am, it’s your fault” she scoffed.

“Why would you say that? I have not done anything untoward. I am simply bathing you as I do myself,” Lae’zel ran the sponge from her tummy up and under her left breast, adding pressure until her breast finally eased back into place, causing the sponge to pass over her nipple.

Shadowheart mewled and bit her bottom lip, “It’s about time you cleaned my nipples. They’re very dirty, you know.”

“Are they?” Lae’zel chuckled. “The dirt must be invisible.”

She nodded, “As if that weren't enough, I also can’t seem to clean them as thoroughly as I’m sure you’re able to.”

“Then I shall pay special attention to them if that is what you wish me to do,” Lae’zel whispered.

Shadowheart screwed her eyes shut and her brows knitted together as Lae’zel tenderly rubbed and tugged at her left nipple with the sponge until it was fully erect, then gave the same love to the right one.

“Gods, your touch drives me mad, even if it is a simple bath. It’s not fair,” Shadowheart breathed, craning her neck to try and catch sight of Lae’zel’s face.

“Is that so? I am only attempting to ensure your body is clean by the end of our bath,” she smiled at Shadowheart coyly as she inched the sponge back down over her stomach, under the water, just low enough that the edge of it brushed the dark patch of hair between her legs.

“Oh really?” Shadowheart looked up into her golden eyes needily. “Does that mean you’re going to make sure all of me is clean? Even down there?” she bent her knees and spread her legs for her.

“Yes, even there,” Lae’zel smirked. She knew by the look in Shadowheart’s eyes that she wanted her to break their modesty covenant. She reasoned that even though she wasn’t willing to break the oath on principle, that didn’t mean she couldn’t threaten to break it. Hopefully if she did, Shadowheart would realize how dumb the promise was and wouldn’t make them agree to something like it ever again.

Lae’zel palmed the sponge and rubbed it between Shadowheart’s legs in a circular motion.

She arched her back slightly and let out a lurid moan.

“Shhh, my joy.”

“But it feels so good,” she whimpered.

“I am sure it does but Karlach is nearby or have you forgotten already?”

“I don’t care. It’s our house. We can do what we want in it and I want this.”

“I never knew you were this passionate about being clean,” Lae’zel goaded and scrubbed faster.

“Oh, f*ck! I’m unng– you just have no idea how amazing the sponge feels against my cl*t,” she said and rocked her hips in an attempt to grind into it. “Harder, avae’ess. I knew I could depend on you to take me, pact or not.”

Lae’zel bristled a little at Shadowheart thinking she could make her do whatever she wanted her to do, no matter what. She stopped what she was doing and put the sponge back in the soap tray, “You are the one who insisted we would not lie together until after we were wed, remember? The teasing has gone far enough. Allow me to be clear. I am giving you a bath, not having sex with you. I will sate you tonight.”

Shadowheart gnashed her teeth and let out a frustrated whine, “That’s too f*cking long from now! I’m a mess!”

There was a knock at the bathroom door, “Sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you two would be done soon? I need to use the loo.”

“We were just wrapping up,” Lae’zel replied.

“This is so unfair,” Shadowheart glowered.

“It is fair after what you did to me at the party. I have faith you will survive.”

Shadowheart rolled over and took her into a rough kiss, then stared her down with eyes darkened with lust, “You better hope I do. Until later then.”

Learning to be Free - Chapter 22 - CobaltCactus (2024)


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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.