Flawless 2k Yetkili Alım – Discord (2024)

Flawless'a hoş geldiniz! Samimi sohbetler, yeni dostluklar ve eğlenceli etkinlikler için buradayız. Katılın ve keyfini;Flawless topluluğu, Discord üzerinde bir araya gelen insanların oluşturduğu bir topluluktur. Bu topluluk, samimi bir ortam sunarak üyeler arasında dostlukların ve dayanışmanın gelişmesine katkıda bulunur. Flawless topluluğu, çeşitli konularda sohbet etme imkanı sunar ve üyelerine eğlenceli etkinlikler düzenler.

Flawless topluluğu, her üyenin kendini ifade edebileceği bir ortam sunar ve farklı bakış açılarına saygı duyar. Bu sayede, topluluk üyeleri arasında güçlü bağlar oluşur ve herkes kendini kabul görmüş hisseder.

Flawless topluluğu, aynı zamanda üyelerine özel ayrıcalıklar da sunar. Sunucuyu destekleyen üyeler, özel roller ve kanallara erişim gibi avantajlardan yararlanabilirler. Bu da topluluk içinde bağlılık duygusunu artırır ve üyeler arasındaki iletişimi güçlendirir.

Sonuç olarak, Flawless topluluğu, samimiyeti, dostluğu ve eğlenceyi ön planda tutan bir yapıya sahiptir. Bu topluluk, her üyesine kendini özel hissettiren bir ortam sunar ve herkesin katkıda bulunabileceği bir platform olarak hizmet verir.;https://discord.gg/invite/flawless-2kyetkili-alim-840279271548387408;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/840279271548387408/a_8b2dfc40e51d7f933cea31d8e2dee7e0.jpg?size=256;2026;May 7th, 2021;Turkish;286948100722130944;EvolutionZ;Entertainment, Memes, Gaming, General Chatting, Bots;EvolutionZ , A Friendly Place for everyone to hang out, Join for some Friendships , Stay for Emojis and Memes.;EvolutionZ , A Friendly Place for everyone to hang out, Join for some Friendships , Stay for Emojis n Memes.


About Us:-

✦ Name : EvolutionZ
✦ Region : Pakistan
✦ Type : Chill And Gaming


✦ Friendly Members
✦ Active Vc
✦ Chill 24/7
✦ Music Bots
✦ Giveaways
✦ Events

☩══════════════════════════════☩;https://discord.gg/invite/evolutionz;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/286948100722130944/a_edf9f3175af4b1af12f0d35904391220.jpg?size=256;2026;March 2nd, 2017;English;831540977868210256;Chez yoxu ;Esports, Creative Arts, Anime & Manga, Movies & TV, Entertainment;Venez comme vous êtes !;C'est des p*tains de rac*ste faites attentions mais on est droles ! !
Salut tout le monde ! Moi, c'est Yoxu !

La lumière douce du matin traverse les rideaux, inondant la pièce d'une clarté apaisante. Les oiseaux chantent joyeusem*nt, créant une symphonie naturelle en parfaite harmonie avec le calme environnant. Le parfum du café fraîchement préparé se répand dans l'air, promettant une journée pleine de découvertes et de moments précieux.

Chaque détail de cette scène matinale réveille un sentiment profond de gratitude et d'émerveillement. Les rayons du soleil caressent doucement les objets, leur donnant un éclat doré et révélant la beauté cachée dans la simplicité. Le murmure du vent à travers les arbres ajoute une touche de magie, invitant à une connexion plus profonde avec la nature.

Dans cet espace serein, il est facile de se perdre dans ses pensées, de laisser l'esprit vagabonder librement sans contrainte ni obligation. Les soucis du quotidien semblent s'estomper, remplacés par une paix intérieure qui nourrit l'âme. C'est un moment précieux, une pause bien méritée dans le tourbillon incessant de la vie moderne.

Les livres soigneusem*nt rangés sur l'étagère invitent à une exploration intellectuelle, tandis que les souvenirs encadrés sur les murs racontent des histoires de moments passés, de rires partagés et d'amitiés chéries. Chaque élément de cet espace raconte une histoire, ajoutant à la richesse de l'expérience.

Le temps semble s'étirer, offrant une opportunité rare de ralentir et de savourer chaque instant. Dans ce cadre idyllique, les possibilités semblent infinies. Que ce soit par la contemplation silencieuse, la lecture d'un bon livre ou une promenade tranquille, chaque choix est une célébration de la vie et de tout ce qu'elle a à offrir.

Ainsi, ce matin-là, en s'immergeant dans cette atmosphère tranquille et inspirante, il devient évident que les moments de calme et de réflexion sont non seulement précieux, mais essentiels pour nourrir l'âme et enrichir l'esprit. C'est dans ces instants de pure sérénité que l'on trouve souvent les réponses aux questions les plus profondes et que l'on se reconnecte avec ce qui compte vraiment.

;https://discord.gg/invite/chezyoxu;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/831540977868210256/a_70b9a77cd86c01ddf413cc2900f91bf9.jpg?size=256;2025;April 13th, 2021;French;706998161201168384;vibin w cha';LFG, Fandom, Entertainment, Gaming, Content Creator;Vibin w cha is a friendly and loving community, this server is designed for Swueemie, twitch.tv/swueemie.;You should join this amazing community to vibe with people that have the same interests as you! We have personal roles and thanks to that, you can maybe find ur best friend! This server is originally a server for twitch streamer Swueemie, but it is also much more! All sorts of gamers, k-pop stans, artists etc.. are all welcomed! You can find groups to play Valorant with, or join Swueemie's stream if you're looking for new streamers to watch. This server is also a great group for twitch streamers to assemble and network together!;https://discord.gg/invite/vibin-w-cha-706998161201168384;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/706998161201168384/a_a9d39f78ca613b3fcc1bc28e096dbcbb.jpg?size=256;2021;May 4th, 2020;English;854034188700745738;AtomicHub;Investing, Art, Cryptocurrency, Gaming, Entertainment;Welcome to our server dedicated to marketplace, blockchain, crypto and anything in between!;Hi! You're about to join a very active and united community of Web3 NFT collectors!

Our AtomicHub Fam will be happy to help you discover our marketplace and the projects from our partners.

Looking to find new projects and collections? No problem! Check out the Project Reps category!

Our ultimate goal is to nurture a community where everyone feels appreciated and included and has fun!

Wanna be a part of it? Join our server, say hello and if you like what you see — welcome to the AtomicHub Fam!
;https://discord.gg/invite/atomichub;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/854034188700745738/a_42d54ea7ce6a0b97e6878c9318dce8e7.jpg?size=256;17325;June 14th, 2021;English;164188105031680000;Zootopia;Fandom, Movies & TV, Art, Writing, Events, Entertainment;We aim to be the best place to chat all things Zootopia and meet fellow fans.;We aim to be the best place to chat all things Zootopia and meet fellow fans.

This server is not directly affiliated with, endorsed by, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by Disney.;https://discord.gg/invite/zootopia-164188105031680000;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/164188105031680000/328c068f94517f5e76a97f1dac67d9db.jpg?size=256;2017;March 29th, 2016;English;1196396091923517501;Elsee;Anime & Manga, Events, Gaming, General Chatting, Content Creator, Entertainment;Sunucumuz geniş yetkili alıma sahiptir ayrıca çeviri ekibimize alım mevcuttur.;Discord, Anime, Manga, Film, Dizi, Oyun, OwO, çekiliş, müzik, Sunucusu. minik ailemize bekleriz <3 (Sunucumuz da aktif olan bir çekiliş vardır katılabilirsiniz)

・Küfür Etmek Yasaktır
・Spam Yapmak Yasaktır
・Irkçılık Yapmak Yasaktır
・Hakaret Ve Argo Yasaktır
・Reklam Vb. Yasaktır
・Ticaret Yapmak Yasaktır
・Milli, Dini ve Ailevi Değerlere Küfür Ve Hakaret Yasaktır
・Ses Kanallarında Küfür Yasaktır
・Abartı Küfürlü Şarkı Yasaktır
・Ses Kanalı Trollemek Yasaktır
・Profil fotoğrafında +18 Fotoğraf Yasaktır
・+18 Paylaşım Yapmak Yasaktır
・ Siyaset yapmak yasaktır;https://discord.gg/invite/elseanimee;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/1196396091923517501/a_6dad6946eef4f90fb8b6540316ab7f6e.jpg?size=256;2015;January 15th, 2024;Turkish;974306622308499466; . HashTaG™;Emoji, Music, Movies & TV, Art, Entertainment;An Indian Chilling Server ●Pfps & Banners●Giveaways●Nightout●Fun●Bakchomdi;Just chill here Hi [@username] i made this server just for chilling...!! You can come here and hangout with us in vcs or in chats...and play games also...So just make new friends and chill here...!!

Hi [@username] i made this server just for chilling...!! You can come here and hangout with us in vcs or in chats...and play games also...So just make new friends and chill here...!! ;https://discord.gg/invite/hashtag-tm-emotes-socials-chill-events-pfps-3-974306622308499466;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/974306622308499466/a_6c570a3817b020fcee6cb3b0f646e5db.jpg?size=256;2014;May 12th, 2022;English;1167160706706198538;Realistic Shaders Community 3.0;Roleplay, Gaming, Game Developer, Content Creator, Console, Entertainment;The Best Fivem Addons Server that ever existed!;dsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;https://discord.gg/invite/realisticshaders;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/1167160706706198538/61b7738f40bd96092bc6140675ba72b6.jpg?size=256;2013;October 26th, 2023;Polish;788746854782206012;Furious Jumper;Fandom, Gaming, General Chatting, Content Creator, Console, Entertainment;Comment dire ? Sûrement un des serveurs Discord le plus survolté de tous les temps !;Ce serveur Discord est dédié aux discussions entre abonné(e)s de la communauté de Furious Jumper. Vous pouvez vous rejoindre les uns les autres pour des parties de Roblox plus facilement et faire des propositions d'idées pour les prochaines vidéos disponible sur la chaine Youtube de Furious Jumper. :D;https://discord.gg/invite/furious-jumper-788746854782206012;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/788746854782206012/a_4f58b454c74c74300d916a581af6d03f.jpg?size=256;17329;December 16th, 2020;French;1195291660272271431;Friend zone;Creative Arts, Art, Writing, Gaming, Entertainment;Welcome to the Friend Zone;Welcome to the Friend Zone! A safe haven for platonic connections, wholesome conversations, and building lasting friendships. Join us for a supportive community where everyone is valued and cherished. Whether you're seeking gaming buddies, study partners, or just a place to hang out, you'll find it here in the Friend Zone. Come on in and make yourself at home;https://discord.gg/invite/friendz;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/1195291660272271431/b923c2901652e9635511adeff2ccb8bb.jpg?size=256;2012;January 12th, 2024;English;1076938619576655982;LusíadasCraft;Entertainment, Gaming, General Chatting;Uma comunidade criada á volta do Servidor de Minecraft português LusíadasCraft!;O servidor LusíadasCraft, foi criado em 2023 por um grupo de amigos que jogam juntos à alguns anos decidiram criar um servidor para a comunidade.

Este é um servidor focado na cultura e folclore português, onde te podes divertir sozinho ou com os teus amigos!

Este servidor tem algumas mecânicas como:

- Pesca customizada (Um sistema de pesca diferente do habitual)

- Mcmmo (Um sistema de habilidades já conhecido por muitos)

- Clans (Os jogadores podem optar por agrupar-se num clan)

- Claims (Para ajudar á proteção da comunidade)

- Varinhas de venda (Um sistema de venda de itens mais simplificado)

- Vendedores automáticos (Um item de venda automática)

- Mob Spawners diferentes (Tipos de mob spawners para além dos vanilla)

- Itens Customizados (Itens fora do vanilla)

- Mapa de recursos costumizado (Mapa focado na exploração)

E muito mais! Junta-te a nós no mc.LusiadasCraft.pt !;https://discord.gg/invite/lusiadascraft-1076938619576655982;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/1076938619576655982/ac9836d5677bb4d4b34ecd004e00a778.jpg?size=256;2011;February 19th, 2023;Portuguese;781096545793343489;Best World ┃ Music・Chat・Social・Fun・AI・Active・GPT・Gaming・Chill・VC・Girls・Boys・Discord・Nitro・Anime・Live;Music, Entertainment, Education, Anime & Manga, Gaming; #1 Best Server Entertainment & Education Community Group Text Online Live Stream Discord Emojis & AI Bots;Welcome to Best World, the Best Server For The Best People! Our community is dedicated to helping each other succeed, whether it's with homework, making money online, or just having fun. We offer active chats, a 24/7 live music radio, and an array of channels that cater to every interest.

Our server is home to a variety of channels that provide resources and tools to help you succeed. We have channels like code, design, documents, educational certifications, and ecom, which offer tools and resources to help you with coding and programming, creating content on social media, finding courses and certifications from the best universities, and more. Our community is always ready to help you with anything you need.

In addition to these channels, we have channels dedicated to specific interests, like art, anime, books, gaming, photography, and videography. Our community is passionate about sharing their work and experiences with others, so you can always find new content to enjoy and learn from.

We also have channels dedicated to helping you grow on social media, whether it's Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube. Our server is the perfect place to connect with other creators and find the tools and resources you need to succeed.

And if you're interested in making money online or investing, we have channels for that too! Our crypto and stocks & investing channels provide resources and tools to help you invest in cryptocurrency or the stock market. Our jobs channel helps you find work-from-home jobs and freelance opportunities, and our real estate wholesaling & house flipping channel provides tools and resources for buying and selling homes with investors.

Our community is also dedicated to helping you stay healthy and motivated. We have channels dedicated to health and fitness, as well as channels dedicated to motivation and quotes.

So why wait? Join our community today and connect with the Best People! Our server is the perfect place to learn, grow, and have fun. We can't wait to welcome you to Best World!

Have The Best Time;https://discord.gg/invite/best-world-fun-social-girls-boys-active-chat-chill-781096545793343489;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/781096545793343489/24e948f05aaa738608b080b9c8765ef9.jpg?size=256;2009;November 25th, 2020;English;504237765697863681;Bluey;Fandom, Movies & TV, Art, Gaming, Comics & Cartoons, Entertainment;The longest running Bluey server with fun activities and events while engaging In discussions based on the show & more!; Welcome to the Bluey Server

Bluey is an Australian cartoon about a family of Blue Heelers, where the titular character Bluey and her sister Bingo play with their mum and dad and sometimes cause some trouble.

This server is the longest living, starting when the show was still fresh.

We have a range of things from a bluey only chat, a general discussions chat, roles, fun bots and more!!

Are you a Bluey fan and you want to hang out? Make sure to join!;https://discord.gg/invite/blueyofficial;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/504237765697863681/a_1bdab1201b84ba7e7e0958956f9cb3bf.jpg?size=256;2005;October 23rd, 2018;English;950587318199263242;Dater ™ | Social・Dating・Active・Love・Egirls・Fun・Date・Gaming・Hangout・Voice Chat・Chill・Chat・Pfps・Emote;Music, Entertainment, Events, General Chatting, Bots;#1 Most Most Active Community 24/7 Voice Chat Dating | Anime | Chilling Meet New Friends;THIS SERVER IS MADE FOR CONNECTING EACH OTHER AND GROWING DATIING COMMUNITY...;https://discord.gg/invite/dater;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/950587318199263242/a_3ccfd856393153dfd7e80ff183f03ea1.jpg?size=256;17485;March 8th, 2022;English;628190581687844865;Familien ;Sports, Music, Movies & TV, Gaming, General Chatting, Entertainment;De gezelligste Familie(n) op Discord! Join om samen te gamen, nieuwe vrienden te maken, kletsen en af te spreken!;De gezelligste plek op het internet! Leer nieuwe vrienden kennen, game en klets samen in calls, ontmoet elkaar in real life op een van de vele meetingen zoals de winter efteling, terras uitjes, bowlen en meer of sport mee tijdens een van de vele Padel avonden in Utrecht! je kan natuurlijk ook altijd je leven delen over Sport, films, tech, food en anything else in een van de vele kamers!

Join de gezelligste plek op het internet, dit is jouw nieuwe Familie(n)!;https://discord.gg/invite/familien;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/628190581687844865/41028e9535ee2c53e7052453b0cef6de.jpg?size=256;2002;September 30th, 2019;Dutch;1119233148396511364;Starbound Scans;Anime & Manga, Entertainment;Serveur officiel de la team de scantrad Starbound Scans !;Nous sommes une équipe de scantrad spécialisée dans la traduction de manhwas et de manhuas d'action. Notre équipe se compose de membres dévoués et talentueux, unis par l'amour de la culture asiatique et le désir de partager des histoires.

Notre objectif est de faire découvrir des pépites à la communauté française des lecteurs de webtoon. Nous misons sur la qualité tout en essayant d'être à jour sur nos oeuvres.

Starbound Scans c'est aussi une communauté qui permet de discuter de sujets variées mais toujours sur le même thème, les oeuvres asiatiques. Vous pourrez parler animés, manga, webtoon, light novel avec des utilisateurs avec les mêmes centres d'intérêts que vous !;https://discord.gg/invite/starbound-scans-1119233148396511364;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/1119233148396511364/a_bd17f75a5cdae9d402f1b122f1b53f08.jpg?size=256;2001;June 16th, 2023;French;1050740029003141180;Collab Community Centre;Collaboration, Entertainment;This is the Collab Community Centre where all the member projects communities come together.;we have a shop full of nfts that you can earn using our discord coin. to earn coins join in our daily games. have fun and make new friends all while learning about nfts and web3.

we run marbles on a friday night which is streamed through twitch.

we have many projects within that advertised their games being played so youre always able to have fun through Collab Centre;https://discord.gg/invite/collabcentre;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/1050740029003141180/eb6b34042619c1726ddae076c18a5044.jpg?size=256;2001;December 9th, 2022;English;1081693587365953606;• TPS | AMISTOSOS • ULTIMATE Y CALLEJERO;Entertainment, Collaboration, Gaming, General Chatting, Content Creator;TPS Amistosos, una comunidad dedicada al juego de Roblox TPS Street Soccer, disfruta el servidor! Fundador: Inka_LuGa;Esta es una comunidad dedicada a TPS-Futbol callejero

Un juego que me gusta y medio popular en Roblox

Este server es para que puedas buscar amistosos rapido y fácil
Este server cuenta con varios canales como memes,comandos,apuestas,link un server libre
Y divertido los espero para que se unan suerte;https://discord.gg/invite/tps-amistosos17k;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/1081693587365953606/a869c44138aacb5260e7a745ae1e99a3.jpg?size=256;17487;March 4th, 2023;Spanish;940583485230440538;r/IndianDankMemes;Entertainment, Memes, Subreddit, General Chatting, Comics & Cartoons;The official server of r/IndianDankMemes, India's Biggest Meme Subreddit's Server.;This server is all about humorous chatting, fun, games, music and interacting with new people!
You'll find some of the most funny and cringe, supportive and discouraging, weird and wholesome people here, the staff is active here and will help you with any kind of problems regarding the server or the people of the server.
To cut a long story short, joining this server is worth it if you want to have fun and make friends.
Signing off.;https://discord.gg/invite/idm;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/940583485230440538/36438f4b40a5d9a94e17b611c2f45b2b.jpg?size=256;17532;February 8th, 2022;English;620329195796692992;Swastiland;Art, Gaming, General Chatting, Content Creator, Comics & Cartoons, Entertainment;This server was made with the intent of bringing a content creator and her fan base closer by interactions.;You've been invited to Swastiland <3
One of the most active server <3

This is a India Based server was made with the intent of bringing Swastikam and her fan base closer by interactions such as communicating, gaming, sharing their own content!

Check out Swastikam's Youtube here!

We are looking forward to your exciting life stories.
This is a Semi strict server for people of all age.
We are looking for people who is interested in communicating in VC's.

- Wholesome interactions
- Active VC's
- Looking for friendly members
- A simple server map!
- Active chat!
- Inclusive, unbiased and active staff !
- Text level perks!
- A unique currency and economy system!
- Will consider any server suggestion if you have any
- Let's make a lovely community of like-minded people. Lastly, let's
have some fun together.    

୨୧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ୨୧

▹ 『 Join us today ᵎᵎ』;https://discord.gg/invite/swastiland-620329195796692992;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/620329195796692992/a_b6f2c9531e572377fdc9ba98606769b5.jpg?size=256;17533;September 8th, 2019;English;1164898841552764978;ai_rogan;Creative Arts, General Chatting, Entertainment;Welcome to The AI Joe Rogan Experience! Create topics that are guaranteed to be played on the stream and hangout!;Rogancord is the official community for the AI Joe Rogan Experience parody. We have a great community behind us, with a topic system and the ability to engage with the characters. We have plenty of characters, including Joe Rogan, Donald Trump, Mr. Beast, Ben Shapiro, and Neil Degrasse Tyson. Come join our amazing community today!;https://discord.gg/invite/rogan;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/1164898841552764978/3f36fc45ae7633d58485d3cde9c34350.jpg?size=256;1994;October 20th, 2023;English;1132404287146836029;College Football 25;Gaming, Entertainment;Fan Server for College Football 25;Im tron and I bassicly stole tnickels vanity but guess what were better I made this server more free and im a way better owner than tnickels ever was join the server to find out just what this server is about I promise that you will have a enjoyable time when you join because were very fun to chat with;https://discord.gg/invite/cfb25;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/1132404287146836029/5389d14ca292d17353ce5fde64ad4dec.jpg?size=256;1994;July 22nd, 2023;English;1108426626800287846;MC Creators;Business, Education, Events, Collaboration, Content Creator, Entertainment;The Official server for Minecraft creators . We host events with cash prizes / We got a lot of freelance services , etc;Minecraft content creators . We host Events with cash prizes regularly. We also got a lot of paid and unpaid freelance services such as Editing , Thumbnails , Designing , Animating , Coding and much more. We also got a ton of perks to experience the best out of it. We are excited to let you know that we are working on a Custom survival game / Minecraft server . We also sell Events Maps / mods and much more .Join Minecraft Content Creators for more info.;https://discord.gg/invite/mc-creators-1108426626800287846;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/1108426626800287846/40bd48dec1877ecd9c75b02bd35404a5.jpg?size=256;1994;May 17th, 2023;English;719037530778894378;Watame Club || 後援会;Fandom, Entertainment, Anime & Manga, Comics & Cartoons;The Tsunomaki Watame Fanclub! We are an EN Fan Server for Hololive 4th gen Tsunomaki Watame!;;https://discord.gg/invite/watame;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/719037530778894378/a_2c355ba99ff4964cb8a88f6533549db7.jpg?size=256;17694;June 7th, 2020;English;1109422526762864682;AniType;Anime & Manga, Entertainment;Лучшая платформа для просмотра аниме вместе с друзьями;AniType - лучшая платформа для просмотра аниме. Что же самое крутое? - У нас есть совместный просмотр! Ищи друзей и смотри аниме вместе с ними! Есть какие-нибудь идеи по улучшению платформы? - Создатели с удовольствием выслушают вас. Мы стремимся сделать лучшую платформу для просмотра аниме, присоединяйся к нам!;https://discord.gg/invite/anitype;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/1109422526762864682/a_caf3473878ee207661bd8a6e943ff7c1.jpg?size=256;1989;May 20th, 2023;Russian;588366450834538507;HIP Games;Podcasts, Education, Gaming, News & Current Events, Content Creator, Entertainment;The Official HIP Games Community - home of DCS World News content and other Simulation platforms.;HIP Games TV youtube channel covers DCS content and other Simulation platforms and was created by Andrei Celeste and his team with the support by the community. We continues to provide your favorite shows for many years to come, with news, entertainment and gifts to our growing family. On Discord you get the chance to meet up with A.C. himself, Natasha and Petrovich. We have a spot for our Screenshot Artists, modders, developers and fans. Everyone is welcomed!
;https://discord.gg/invite/hip-games-588366450834538507;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/588366450834538507/e67f8dcdfc2a4c1862625cbe48ac8dca.jpg?size=256;1984;June 12th, 2019;English;670600220589031424;shu;General Chatting, Entertainment;asdasdas;asdsarf13412312e2d1dasdasdfasdasdsarf13412312e2d1dasdasdfasdasdsarf13412312e2d1dasdasdfasdasdsarf13412312e2d1dasdasdfasdasdsarf13412312e2d1dasdasdfasdasdsarf13412312e2d1dasdasdfasdasdsarf13412312e2d1dasdasdfasdasdsarf13412312e2d1dasdasdfasdasdsarf13412312e2d1dasdasdfasdasdsarf13412312e2d1dasdasdfasdasdsarf13412312e2d1dasdasdfasdasdsarf13412312e2d1dasdasdfasdasdsarf13412312e2d1dasdasdfasdasdsarf13412312e2d1dasdasdfasdasdsarf13412312e2d1dasdasdfasdasdsarf13412312e2d1dasdasdfasdasdsarf13412312e2d1dasdasdfasdasdsarf13412312e2d1dasdasdfasdasd;https://discord.gg/invite/shu;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/670600220589031424/f408fcf5b49695060fe2a64126362bc6.jpg?size=256;1977;January 25th, 2020;Turkish;1213603624555384873;Deepwoken Diluvian Mechanism;Gaming, Content Creator, Entertainment;Discover the excitement of our Diluvian server, where we do daily sessions, weekly trials of the meeks, and top-tier giv;Ever wanted to do diluvian but always run into loot goblins or depths gankers?
Discover the excitement of our Diluvian server, where we do daily sessions, weekly trials of the meeks, and top-tier giveaways! Engage in many Diluvian events daily with our 1000 members and challenge yourself in our meek trials every week (freshie diluvian). Join us today for a chance to battle your way to the best loot in the game!;https://discord.gg/invite/the-diluvian-server-1213603624555384873;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/1213603624555384873/ef2697641c70b520dec5b8a12f7a954c.jpg?size=256;1976;March 2nd, 2024;English;741309908519092265;Broddit Server;Podcasts, Entertainment, Subreddit, General Chatting, Content Creator;Comunidad donde podrás pasar un rato agradable, socializar con gente e interactuar con los distintos bots del servidor;El Broddit Community Server es el hogar de una cariñosa comunidad, en sus orígenes seguidores de Broddit, una retirada YouTuber dedicada al contenido de Reddit. Con el tiempo nos fuimos desapegando de la idea original, hicimos una gran cantidad de actividades, un podcast's, un periódico y varios intentos de servidores de Minecraft.

Con el tiempo nos dimos cuenta que el verdadero Broddit son los amigos que hacemos en el camino y actualmente tratamos de mantener nuestra pequeña comunidad viva, tenemos vc's contantes, un club de escritura, una revista digital en desarrollo, hemos participado en eventos como el r/place y mucho mas

Así que...

**¡Te hacemos la mas cordial a unirte a nuestra comunidad!**
Donde podrás pasar el rato charlando, interactuar y jugar con gran variedad de bots, participar en podcast's y constantes vc, disfrutar de funciones de cine periódicas y conocer a tus próximos amigos;https://discord.gg/invite/la-taberna-de-broddit-741309908519092265;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/741309908519092265/fd40c5a7f50a4a4d9aae5d9a1f2934b6.jpg?size=256;1970;August 7th, 2020;Spanish;986654523806318622;STEAMLAND;LFG, Art, Cryptocurrency, Content Creator, Entertainment;Greetings travelers! Pack your bags and head on a journey towards the flying city.;;https://discord.gg/invite/steamland-986654523806318622;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/986654523806318622/761125ef31b106b5271339bd52aa1e31.jpg?size=256;1969;June 15th, 2022;English;405382507911970817;﹕cyberstop;Fandom, Emoji, Anime & Manga, Gaming, General Chatting, Entertainment;Welcome to Cyberstop ♡ ︵ ! We are a general kpop server that offers you active chats, events, giveaways, and more!;Welcome to Cyberstop! Join our k-pop Discord server for chats, events, and giveaways. You can also have fun playing with 5+ amazing game bots: Sofi bot, OwO, Shoob, Mudae, Karuta bot, and more. Join us today and get a chance to win rewards in our server by participating in Nitro giveaways and exciting events.;https://discord.gg/invite/cyberstop-405382507911970817;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/405382507911970817/a_552bde92d0623962bf98e42702ee0387.jpg?size=256;17697;January 23rd, 2018;English;845191548600582149;• Geekolik •;Movies & TV, Gaming, Entertainment;Sen de Geekolik ailesine katılmak ister miydin?;Oyunlar oynayıp harika zamanlar geçirdiğimiz bu sunucuya seni de aramızda görmek isteriz. Yayınlarımıza gelip eğlenceli sohbetlerimize katılabilir, ekip oyunlarına dahil olabilir, daha nice güzel vakit geçirebileceğin bir ortamda kendini bulabilirsin. Oyun, film, dizi seven herkesi aramıza bekleriz.;https://discord.gg/invite/geekolik-845191548600582149;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/845191548600582149/7f524eb1b073ec26150cdc219071b7c6.jpg?size=256;1969;May 21st, 2021;Turkish;569562822158057497;Henwy;Fandom, Entertainment, Gaming, General Chatting, Content Creator;The official server for Henwy.;Henwy is a content creator that mainly records Minecraft and Among Us videos alongside some notable acts such as SSundee and Zud. This is growing community of people for the creator. As the server continues to grow, expect frequent events and an active dedicated fanbase. Come join to chill and have a good time!;https://discord.gg/invite/henwy;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/569562822158057497/9215451706049e547230b911057443c5.jpg?size=256;1968;April 21st, 2019;English;960871811896213604; ;Esports, Movies & TV, Events, Gaming, General Chatting, Entertainment;Farklı oyunlarda sağlam ekipler bulabileceğin güvenilir insanlarla egosuz bir sohbet muhabbet yeridir.; ı ̆ ı ı . ̧ ̧ ı . . ̧ ı . ̧ ̈ ı ı ̈ ̆ ;https://discord.gg/invite/pixelclub;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/960871811896213604/a_ecbd7159a66f672cc8ed0f64ce1d78c3.jpg?size=256;1965;April 5th, 2022;Turkish;720640093164929066;Shank's Ship;Anime & Manga, Events, Gaming, General Chatting, Content Creator, Entertainment;This server is about Me,ShanksPlays. We chat here and have fun. We also talk about KIng Legacy and others!;This server is about Me! I'm a Youtuber called... ShanksPlays! As you join us, you will be greeted with rules! Be sure to read them carefully or else you can get punished! We have a wide variety of channels, Be sure to use them for their propose! If you get a warning for something you're not aware of, Be sure to use our tickets feature! We will answer whatever question you may have.;https://discord.gg/invite/shank-s-ship-720640093164929066;https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/720640093164929066/a_ab8cfa627bc48059bea85f09ae4126af.jpg?size=256;17751;June 11th, 2020;English;981894080009228348;✇ ฿ØⱤɄ₮Ø ฿ɆⱤɆⱠİⱠɆⱤ;Theorycraft, Entertainment, Anime & Manga, Gaming, General Chatting;Başta Boruto: Naruto Next Generations" olmak üzere tüm animeleri konuşabileceğiniz, samimi ortamı olan bir sunucu.

Flawless 2k Yetkili Alım – Discord (2024)


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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.